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Sen. Hutchison Adds $200 Million for NASA Return to Flight
Funding Included in Supplemental Appropriations Bill to be Considered by Senate Next Week

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’s senior Senator, today helped secure $200 million in additional funding for NASA in the Fiscal Year 2008 Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill which advanced through the Senate Appropriations Committee and will be considered by the full Senate next week.

Specifically, the $200 million will be used to “address costs associated with the return to flight of the space shuttle” and that the Appropriations Committee “has provided transfer authority to the Administrator to fund programs that were cut as a result of shifting budget priorities related to the return to flight.”

“This $200 million will help compensate NASA for the costs of returning to flight,” said Sen. Hutchison. “It will also help close the gap between retirement of the Space Shuttle and the launch of the next exploration vehicle. With adversarial countries moving forward with manned spaceflight, the stakes are too high for America to lose its edge as the world leader in space exploration.”

With the bill advancing through the Senate Appropriations Committee, it will now be considered by the full Senate next week.

Sen. Hutchison is a member of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Space.


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