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Sens. Hutchison and Cornyn Call on DHS to Work with Local Officials on Border Fence Implementation

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn today called on Department of Homeland Security officials to work with local officials on plans for construction of fencing and security barriers along the border. This call for cooperation by Sens. Cornyn and Hutchison follows concerns about inadequate communication from federal officials to local officials along the border.

“I am very concerned that the federal government respect private property rights,” Sen. Hutchison said. “Months ago, we were given every assurance by DHS that state and local officials would be consulted on the location of the border fence. We expect DHS to honor their commitment to confer with the local landowners and elected officials.”

“I am committed to ensuring that the Homeland Security Department consults with state and local officials on border security efforts. An open dialogue on the implementation of security measures along the border will ensure that we achieve these goals in the most effective manner,” Sen. Cornyn said. “We must maintain a balance between security and legitimate trade and travel, which is so important to the economy in Texas border communities. In meeting with Secretary Chertoff several times over the last few months, including with our border sheriffs last week, he has made clear that he shares this commitment. We intend to hold him to it. In fact, I will be meeting with the Secretary on Capitol Hill this afternoon and will press him again on this. I appreciate the time he has taken to meet with our local officials to date but we must make sure local officials, landowners and other stakeholders are part of this process.”

Sens. Hutchison and Cornyn requested in a November 17, 2006 letter that DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff meet with border community leaders and visit the border region. Secretary Chertoff met with local leaders and Sens. Hutchison and Cornyn in Sen. Hutchison’s Washington office on January 17. Secretary Chertoff and Sen. Cornyn also met with border mayors and county judges in Laredo on February 21.


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