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Sens. Hutchison, Cornyn and Rep. Rodriguez
Urge Disaster Declaration for Texas

WASHINGTON -- Texas Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn and Representative Ciro Rodriguez today sent a letter to President George W. Bush in support of Governor Rick Perry’s request for a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas as a result of the recent storms and deadly tornadoes that have devastated several communities. The text of the letter is included below:

Dear Mr. President:

As you know, Governor Perry has requested a major disaster declaration for the State of Texas as a result of recent severe storms and tornadoes that occurred on April 21 and April 24, 2007.

We urge you to expedite the consideration of this request, as we believe that such declaration is critical to ensuring that important mitigation and recovery assistance is made available to the residents of Maverick, Moore, and Swisher Counties as soon as possible.

On April 21, as a result of severe tornado damage, the cities of Tulia and Cactus in Swisher and Moore Counties, respectively, suffered an estimated $2.4 million of infrastructure damage. Numerous families have not only lost their homes, but also their businesses which will make the recovery process that much more difficult.

Severe storms again struck Texas on April 24, 2007. The tornadoes that hit the city of Eagle Pass in Maverick County that day resulted in seven fatalities and at least 81 injuries. Further, more than 600 families have been reported homeless due to the destruction of their homes covering several city blocks.

We appreciate the efforts underway by the Federal Government to review the State’s request in a timely manner, and we respectfully ask that you give this request due consideration. You may be certain that we will work with the Administration to aid the victims of this disaster.


Kay Bailey Hutchison
John Cornyn
Ciro Rodriguez


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