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Sen. Hutchison Congratulates Joe Krier on Service as San Antonio Chamber President

WASHINGTON -- Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, released the following statement today congratulating Joe Krier on his service as president of the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce. Krier has served as the chamber president since 1987 and announced today his intention to resign at the end of the year:

“Joe Krier’s outstanding leadership has made a remarkable difference in San Antonio and he will surely be missed. Joe’s contributions have led to a lasting legacy for the people of San Antonio, from recruiting major employers like Toyota, to keeping San Antonio ‘Military Town USA.’ He was a great partner when we worked together on BRAC in 1995, including moving Army South from Puerto Rico to Kelly USA. In the 2005 BRAC round he played a critical role in enhancing the mission at Fort Sam Houston. I have enjoyed the many years of working together with Joe on military and economic development issues and wish him the very best in his next endeavor.”


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