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Senator Hutchison Addresses Border Issues with Southwestern Border Sheriffs Coalition

WASHINGTON -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, today hosted a meeting with the Southwestern Border Sheriffs Coalition in her Washington, D.C. office to address border security issues and federal funding for costs associated with immigration enforcement.

“We must support and gather input from border sheriffs who are on the ground working to secure our borders,” Sen. Hutchison said. “Local officials dealing with these threats must be part of the solution, and I am committed to providing them with the resources they need to safeguard our nation.”

Sen. Hutchison has long advocated federal support for border security duties carried out by local officials. In September 2006, Sen. Hutchison announced the Texas Border Sheriffs Coalition would receive a $4.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice to provide equipment and supplies for the Operation Linebacker Task Force. She has consistently backed measures that provide funding for increased border security personnel and infrastructure, including the $250 million Border Law Enforcement Relief Program and the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program. Sen. Hutchison hosted a February 9, 2007 meeting with Sen. Cornyn, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and border mayors and local leadership to give them an opportunity to provide local input on border fencing concerns.


04.25.07 Senator Hutchison meets with members of the Southwestern Border Sheriffs Coalition in Washington, D.C.

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