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Sen. Hutchison Questions VA on Claims Processing Backlog in Hearing
Cites recent problems at Houston Regional Office as example

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Ranking Member of the Veterans Affairs Appropriations Subcommittee, today questioned VA Secretary Jim Nicholson about the increased backlog in claims processing and how claims are prioritized to meet the needs of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

“In Houston, I have seen firsthand the strain the backlog of claims puts on veterans and their families. Underperformance in meeting the needs of our courageous young men and women is unacceptable and these VA facilities must improve their processing of claims,” Sen. Hutchison said.

As a result of Sen. Hutchison’s concerns with claims processing backlogs in Houston, the VA sent a management team to the Houston Regional Office to help alleviate the backlog.


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