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Sen. Hutchison Presses VA on Status of Valley Veterans Study
Sen. Hutchison requested study on healthcare needs of valley veterans

WASHINGTON -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Ranking member on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations subcommittee, today sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson expressing her concern for the healthcare needs of South Texas Valley veterans and inquiring when the results of the study she requested of the VA in February 2006 will be made available. Below is a copy of the letter.

Dear Secretary Nicholson:

As you recall last February, I asked you to determine an approach to meeting the inpatient health care needs for the veterans in the South Texas Valley for the next 20 years. I was pleased that you contracted with an analysis firm to conduct this study. I was informed that as part of their analysis they held several group meetings in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, McAllen and Harlingen.

I have since learned that initial comments from the contractor indicated that the need for additional outpatient services is a problem as well. I was pleased to learn that as a result you asked the contractor to look deeper into this area rather than wait and conduct a second study.

The medical care for the veterans in the South Texas Valley is a great concern of mine and I am anxious to learn, the results of your study. Please inform me as to when we will be able to discuss the results.


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