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Sen. Hutchison Tours TAMUCC, Discusses Energy Legislation
CREST bill promotes comprehensive alternative energy strategy

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX -- Texas’ senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison today toured the Texas A&M University Corpus Christi University (TAMUCC) energy research lab and held a press conference to discuss the Creating Renewable Energy through Science and Technology (CREST) Act, legislation she introduced on March 28 promoting research into alternative energy and Texas’ leadership in the field. TAMUCC President Dr. Flavious Killebrew, College of Science and Technology Dean Dr. Frank Pezold and Mayor Henry Garrett participated in the event.

“America needs a comprehensive strategy to unleash the power of free minds and free markets so we can explore and produce energy that will strengthen our national security and solidify our global economic leadership,” Sen. Hutchison said. “With its renowned research institutions and vast supply of untapped renewable energy resources, Texas is poised to capitalize on breakthrough technologies that will help fuel the world in the 21st century.”

Texas is the largest producer of wind power in the nation and also holds vast untapped energy sources such as solar, wave and biomass. In addition, Texas’ nationally recognized colleges and universities throughout the state are ideal to serve as leading research institutions for alternative energy.

The CREST Act will provide a comprehensive, coordinated national research effort to spur the development of renewable energy. Sen. Hutchison used today’s tour as an opportunity to highlight TAMUCC’s progressive research into hydrogen fuel cells, biofuels and wave energy. Earlier this week, Sen. Hutchison toured the University of Houston’s wind turbine research lab and discussed her legislation at a joint event hosted by the Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce and the Fort Worth Petroleum Club.

“Continued exploration of oil and gas production is a critical component to achieving energy independence,” Sen. Hutchison said. “At the same time, we must focus on developing renewable technology to help reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”

The CREST Act establishes a Council on Renewable Energy (CORE). The Council will advise Congress on national renewable energy strategy and development of technologies including offshore wind production, solar power, geothermal, wave and biofuels energy. It will also facilitate collaboration across federal agencies and departments on executing national renewable energy objectives.

The bill directs the CORE to be established within the National Science Foundation. It would be comprised of department heads from research institutions, industry representatives, state officials and the U.S. Departments of Energy, Agriculture, Commerce and the National Atmospheric Administration and Office of Science and Technology Policy.


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