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Sen. Hutchison Delivers Remarks at Announcement of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Texas Office

Austin, TX -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) today joined First Lady Laura Bush at a ceremony to announce the creation of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Regional Office in Texas. Sen. Hutchison has a strong record on family safety issues and authored the legislation that created the national AMBER Alert system based on the Texas state system.

“The Texas Regional Office for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children will build on our statewide and national efforts to protect our children,” Sen. Hutchison said. “I was pleased to lead the creation of the National AMBER Alert Network and am now working to pass legislation to help prevent abductions of children by family members. It is important we continue to look for ways to protect children.”

Sen. Hutchison’s bill to create the National AMBER Alert Network was signed into law in 2003. Over the past four years its effectiveness has resulted in the return of 230 children to their parents. In the current Congress she has introduced the Family Abduction Prevention Act to help prevent abductions of children by family members, which account for 78 percent of all abductions. The bill authorizes $500,000 in matching grants for Fiscal Year 2008 to help fund local law enforcement efforts to investigate and prosecute these cases and help states with costs associated with family abduction prevention.

Sen. Hutchison also cosponsored the Internet Safety Act which was signed into law in 2006 when provisions of the bill were included in the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act. This legislation cracks down on Internet child pornography and related behavior by creating new penalties targeted at those who produce or knowingly facilitate Internet child pornography; expanding penalties for existing child pornography, sex trafficking, and sexual abuse offenses; and increasing resources for prevention and prosecution of child sexual abuse.


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