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Statement by Sen. Hutchison on the DC Gun Ban Case Before the Supreme Court
Submitted Amicus Brief with Vice President, Bipartisan Majorities in Both Houses

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, released the following statement today on the D.C. gun ban case before the Supreme Court:

“Today's oral arguments were a major step forward in the case that for the first time gives the Supreme Court a clear opportunity to establish the second amendment right as one of an individual to protect themselves in their home with possession of a gun. I was pleased to submit an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court with the most signatures of members of Congress ever obtained for a brief to the court. Our amicus brief, signed by 54 Senators, the Vice President and 250 members of the House of Representatives firmly stated that every congressional act has assumed this second amendment to be one for individuals, not an organized militia. It is my hope that the Supreme Court will settle this clearly so that there will be no further attempts by gun control advocates to undermine this important right established by our Founding Fathers.”


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