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Sen. Hutchison Releases a Statement on the FY09 Budget

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), chairman of Senate Republican Policy Committee, today released the following statement about the President’s Fiscal Year (FY) 2009 federal budget:

“Today’s release of the federal budget for 2009 represents an important starting point for Congress this year. The goals that are proposed are positive: balancing the budget by 2012, protecting 116 million taxpayers from an average $1,800 tax increase by not allowing the tax cuts to expire, implementing the America Competitiveness Initiative, funding an additional 2,200 border patrol agents, addressing the growth of entitlement spending, and, most importantly, funding our national defense and the Global War on Terror. Congress should support pro growth policies and oppose future efforts in Congress to increase the size of government.”


** Sen. Hutchison is the Ranking Member on the Senate Milcon-VA Appropriations Subcommittee.

“I was pleased to see a significant increase in the Military Construction funding level, 18% above what was enacted for FY 2008. BRAC funding would be increased to ensure that changes mandated can be made on time. Texas installations would receive over $368 million, which includes major funding for Fort Bliss, Fort Sam Houston, and Fort Hood.

“For our veterans, the budget proposes a modest 3.9% increase. I oppose a decrease in medical research. We will closely review the budget proposal to ensure sufficient funding for critical military construction projects and outstanding care for our Veterans.”


“Every year the administration tries to slash funding for Amtrak, and every year Congress rejects that proposal. If Amtrak funding were reduced, the first victims would surely be the “Texas Eagle” and “Sunset Limited” lines upon which more than 250,000 Texas passengers rely each year. I believe a national system is essential for future transportation options to remain open. I will work with Congress to ensure adequate funding for Amtrak.”


“The budget does not offer any strategic changes for NASA, retiring the space shuttle no sooner than 2010 and committing to launch Orion by March 2015. My goal remains to close the gap in continuous space flight by funding NASA as a critical national priority.”


“The President proposes an additional $500 million to hire 2,200 new border patrol agents. I will continue to work with the President and my colleagues to ensure appropriate funding for our border security efforts, including plans that combine the construction of tactical infrastructure with the rehabilitation of our levees along the Rio Grande.”


“I am pleased the President’s budget specifically provides funding for the Port of Houston, the Port of Galveston, the Texas City Ship channel and Freeport Harbor.”


Gulf Intracoastal Waterway – $31,800,000 (Operations/Management, O&M)

Houston-Galveston Navigation Channels – $21,700,000 (Construction)

Houston Ship Channel – $15,354,000 (O&M)

Galveston Harbor & Channel – $6,021,000 (O&M)

Corpus Christi Ship Channel – $3,548,000 ($3,398,000 O&M and $150,000 for Planning, Engineering & Design)

Gulf Intracoastal Waterway – Chocolate Bayou – $2,926,000 (O&M)

Texas City Channel – $1,482,000 (O&M)


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