U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, & Transportation
Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security
Subcommittee Members

John D. Rockefeller, IV
John F. Kerry
Byron L. Dorgan
Barbara Boxer
Bill Nelson
Maria Cantwell
Frank R. Lautenberg
Mark Pryor
Thomas Carper
Claire McCaskill
Amy Klobuchar
Daniel K. Inouye

Kay Bailey Hutchison
  (Ranking Member)
John McCain
Olympia J. Snowe
Gordon H. Smith
John Ensign
John E. Sununu
Jim DeMint
David Vitter
John Thune
Roger Wicker
Ted Stevens
July 15, 2008 - The Outlook for Summer Air Travel: Addressing Congestion and Delay [view]
May 7, 2008 - The State of the Airline Industry and the Potential Impact of a Delta/Northwest Merger [view]
April 10, 2008 - Aviation Safety Oversight Hearing [view]
September 27, 2007 - Congestion and Delays: The Impact on Travelers and Possible Solutions [view]
July 17, 2007 - Improving Air Services to Small and Rural Communities [view]
June 20, 2007 - Oversight of Foreign Aviation Repair Stations [view]
March 22, 2007 - Federal Aviation Administration Modernization [view]
March 8, 2007 - Administration's Proposal to Reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration - Part II [view]
February 15, 2007 - Administration's Proposal to Reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration - Part I [view]
September 28, 2006 - Aviation Subcommittee Hearing on New Entrants into the National Airspace System [view]
September 14, 2006 - Aviation Subcommittee Hearing on "Rural Air Service" [view]
July 25, 2006 - Aviation Subcommittee Hearing on Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) [view]
May 24, 2006 - NTSB Reauthorization [view]
May 9, 2006 - Foreign Investment in U.S. Air Carriers [view]
April 4, 2006 - FAA Funding Options -- POSTPONED [view]
March 28, 2006 - FAA Budget and the Long Term Viability of the Aviation Trust Fund [view]
November 17, 2005 - Aviation Safety [view]
November 10, 2005 - Wright Amendment [view]
September 14, 2005 - Review of the Impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Aviation Industry [view]
July 19, 2005 - Federal Aviation Administration's Age 60 Rule [view]
July 13, 2005 - Financial Stability of Airlines [view]
May 26, 2005 - Aviation Capacity and Congestion Challenges-Summer 2005 and Future Demand [view]
Press Releases
July 11, 2008 - Witnesses Announced for Hearing on Summer Air Travel Outlook [view]
July 9, 2008 - Commerce Committee Reschedules Hearing on Summer Air Travel Outlook [view]
June 25, 2008 - Commerce Committee POSTPONES Hearing on Summer Air Travel Outlook [view]
June 24, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for Summer Air Travel Hearing [view]
June 19, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Hearing on Summer Air Travel Outlook [view]
June 4, 2008 - NTSB Reauthorization Hearing Postponed [view]
June 2, 2008 - NTSB, GAO to Testify at NTSB Reauthorization Hearing [view]
May 22, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces NTSB Reauthorization Hearing [view]
May 6, 2008 - Inouye Urges Senate to Move Forward with FAA Reauthorization [view]
May 5, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for Aviation Hearing [view]
April 23, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Aviation Hearing [view]
April 10, 2008 - Inouye Seeks Answers to Recent Airline Safety Gaps [view]
April 7, 2008 - CORRECTION: Aviation Subcommittee Announces Witnesses for Aviation Safety Hearing [view]
March 27, 2008 - Aviation Subcommittee to Examine Aviation Safety [view]
March 12, 2008 - Commerce Committee Postpones Hearing to Review the Financial State of the Airline Industry [view]
March 10, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for Hearing on the Financial State of the Airline Industry [view]
March 6, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Hearing to Review the Financial State of the Airline Industry [view]
February 5, 2008 - Aviation Subcommittee to Hold FAA Budget Hearing [view]
December 12, 2007 - Senate Approves Changes to Age 60 Rule [view]
September 25, 2007 - Government and Industry Reps to Testify on Airport Congestion and Delay [view]
September 18, 2007 - Aviation Subcommittee to Evaluate Airport Congestion and Delay [view]
July 16, 2007 - Aviation Subcommittee Announces Witnesses for Rural Air Service Hearing [view]
July 9, 2007 - Aviation Subcommittee to Hold Rural Air Service Hearing [view]
June 18, 2007 - Aviation Subcommittee Announces Witnesses for Foreign Repair Stations Hearing [view]
June 12, 2007 - Aviation Subcommittee to Hold Oversight Hearing on Foreign Repair Stations [view]
April 19, 2007 - Rural Air Service Hearing Announced [view]
February 27, 2007 - Aviation Subcommittee to Hold Second FAA Reauthorization Hearing [view]
February 2, 2007 - Aviation Subcommittee to Hold FAA Reauthorization Hearing [view]
February 2, 2006 - Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens Addresses the American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law [view]
December 22, 2005 - Senate Approves Resolution Honoring Flight Deck Officer Program Participants [view]
December 21, 2005 - Senate Approves the Securing Cockpits Against Lasers Act [view]
November 17, 2005 - Commerce Committee Approves Legislation to Amend the Age Restriction for Pilots [view]
November 17, 2005 - Commerce Committee Approves Extension of Aviation War Risk Insurance [view]
October 31, 2005 - Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens Addresses the Propeller Club of the United States [view]
July 19, 2005 - Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens Addresses The American Association of Airport Executives and Airports Council International Summer Legislative Conference [view]
May 16, 2005 - Chairman Stevens speaks at NATCA Conference [view]
March 17, 2005 - Commerce Committee Chairman Ted Stevens Remarks at the Federal Aviation Administration Forecasting Conference [view]
Contact Info
Majority: 202-224-9000 Minority: 202-224-5184