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 Congressman Davis on Capitol Steps

Danny K. Davis was chosen by the people of the 7th Congressional District of Illinois as their Representative in Congress on November 5, 1996. He has been a Member of Congress continuously since.

Congressman Davis is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, the Congressional Community Health Centers Caucus, the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans, the Congressional Steel Caucus, the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, the Congressional Art Caucus, the Congressional Cancer Caucus, the Congressional Children's Caucus, Congressional Heart and Stroke Caucus, the Congressional Labor and Working Families Caucus, the Congressional Iraq Fallen Heroes Caucus, the Congressional Mental Health Caucus, the Congressional Pakistani Caucus, the Rural Health Caucus, the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues,  and is Chair of the Congressional Postal Caucus and is a Regional Whip in the Democratic Caucus.

Congressman Davis has distinguished himself as an articulate voice for his constituents and as an effective legislator able to move major bills to passage despite his relative lack of seniority. His initiative to quadruple the Access to Jobs funding in the 105th Congress, one of only two successful amendments to the transportation authorization bill; and his bi-partisan Community Renewal Act in the 106th Congress, designed to bring investment and jobs to economically impacted communities are examples of his successes. 

Congressman Davis introduced the 2nd Chance Act which continues to gain support in the 110th Congress.  The Act is designed to rehabilitate and to prepare ex-offenders for a healthy and positive reentry into normal society once they are released from correctional facilities and institutions and to reduce recidivism.

Congressman Davis has developed an unique and energetic style of communication and interaction with his constituents setting up dozens of advisory task forces * to consider significant questions of public policy. He hosts several weekly television and radio shows which feature audience call in.  Congressman Davis produces regular newsletters mailed to every household in the district.  In addition, he maintains weekly office hours in the district and is widely sought after as a speaker at district events.

Prior to becoming a Member of Congress he served on the Cook County Board of Commissioners for six years.  Previously, he served for eleven years as a member of the Chicago City Council as Alderman of the 29th Ward. 

Before seeking public office Congressman Davis had productive careers as an educator, community organizer, health planner/administrator and civil rights advocate. He has received hundreds of awards and citations for outstanding work in the areas of health, education, human relations, politics and advocacy. He has traveled extensively throughout the United States and has spent time in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and in South and Central America.  Congressman Davis  has been an officer and member of many other civic, professional and social organizations.

Born in Parkdale, Arkansas on September 6, 1941, Congressman Davis moved to the Westside of Chicago in 1961, after having earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Arkansas A.M. & N. College (now known as the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff). He subsequently earned both Masters and Doctorate degrees respectively from Chicago State University and the Union Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.

He is married to Vera G. Davis, has two sons, Jonathan and Stacey, is a member and Deacon of the New Galilee M.B. Church.

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This page last updated: 05/08/2007

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