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U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State


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on Senator Murray's
Port Secruity efforts


Port Security

The Challenge

We've Got Efficiency. Now We Need Efficiency AND Security

For decades, we've built our port infrastructure and
Senator Murray and members of the U.S. Coast Guard commission the USCG Cutter Wahoo in Port Angeles, WA.
Senator Murray and members of the U.S. Coast Guard commission the USCG Cutter Wahoo in Port Angeles, WA. (More Port Security Photos)
procedures around economic efficiency. That's helped make the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma the third-busiest container load center in the nation.

But since September 11th, we now need to realign our port system around efficiency and security.

What's in the Containers?

Six million containers enter our nation's seaports each year. Unfortunately, we don't know enough about what's in them.

Port Security Challenges in Puget Sound

  • The Ports of Tacoma and Seattle form the third largest load center for containerized cargo in the United States.
  • A land and sea border with Canada.
  • Critical defense installations on our waterfront.
  • The largest passenger ferry system in the country.
  • We must balance these security needs with the continuing need to keep cargo moving efficiently.

Port Security Means Economic Security

Ports and international trade are critical to Washington's economy. Washington state is the most trade dependent state in the nation. 1.8 million containers pass through our region each year, supporting good paying jobs for thousands of Puget Sound families.

One-fifth of our national economy: The United States receives some $750 billion worth of cargo at 360 seaports every year.

A terrorist attack on ports or cargo would have a major economic impact on tens of thousands of working families in the Puget Sound and beyond.

Full story

Recent News Releases

Murray Announces Over $32 Million in Homeland Security Funding for Washington State

Senator Patty Murray Statement on Obstruction of Climate Change Legislation in U.S. Senate

Murray Scores Budget Victories for Hanford, Port Security, Building Washington's Workforce

Murray Announces More Than $29 Million in Federal Grants for Port Security at Washington State Ports

BUDGET: Murray on Cuts to Washington State Priorities in Bush Budget


   Port Security


  • Journal of Commerce named Murray the "New Champion for Port Security," August 2003

  • Tacoma Propeller Club Master Mariner Award 2004
  • Elected Official of the Year by the Seattle Propeller Club, 2004
  • Port Person of the Year, American Association of Port Authorities, 2004 -

Related Pages:
Coast Guard
Homeland Security