Congresswoman Lois Capps
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9/11 Health

The collapse of the World Trade Center towers killed thousands in an instant, but what many people may not know is that the attacks also released a massive cloud of asbestos, pulverized concrete, and other poisons that have sickened thousands in the days and months after 9/11.

I believe that it is our national duty to care for these Americans heroes, a number of whom live in California. According to the federally-funded World Trade Center Health Registry, people from all 50 states and 431 of 435 Congressional districts nationwide were in lower Manhattan on or after 9/11 and now have serious concerns about their health. In fact, more than 1,035 are enrolled in the Registry. There’s a chance that your local first responders either are affected directly or know someone who is.

I am a proud cosponsor of H.R. 3543, the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which would provide medical monitoring for everyone who was exposed to World Trade Center toxins, treatment for anyone who is sick as a result, and compensation for economic losses by reopening the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.  Under this bill, proper care would be guaranteed to the thousands of people who came from across the country to respond to the 9/11 attacks.

If you or someone you know may have been exposed to toxins at or near the former World Trade Center site, I hope you will visit the following websites for more information about health care options that may be available:

The World Trade Center Medical Monitoring and Treatment Program

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services World Trade Center Health Resources

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