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Agenda - Crime

Fighting crime has been Chuck's mission throughout his career. His major initiatives include:

  • Keeping Guns Away from Criminals: Chuck has long been a strong supporter of reasonable gun control legislation. He believes in strict enforcement of current gun laws and tough penalties to those who violate them. He was one of the Senate's leading advocates of closing the gun show loophole that allows criminals to evade existing rules and purchase deadly weapons, and he's fought the Justice Department's attempts to impede the FBI's ability to conduct effective background checks. Chuck strongly supports the reauthorization of and Assault Weapons Ban that President Bush allowed to expire, and challenged retailers such as Wal-Mart not to resume the sale of guns when the ban expired in September 2004.

  • Stopping Sex Offenders: Chuck cosponsored the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, which establishes a national sex offender registry and ensures punishment for convicted sex offenders who fail to register, or those who fail to change their registration information when they move or change jobs. This bill passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee on October 20, 2005

  • Human Trafficking and Smuggling: Chuck was one of two senators to cosponsor the Trafficking Victims Reauthorization Act. This important piece of legislation was the first of its kind to recognize the global problem of human trafficking and award amnesty to victims trafficked into the U.S. through the “T-Visa” program. Chuck also cosponsored the PROTECT Act of 2003, which imposed tough penalties for those who prey on our children, in addition to authorizing a budget increase for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

  • Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): Ever since authoring the original House version of the Violence Against Women Act, Chuck has been an advocate of VAWA and the programs its grants have supported. In July of 2005, he helped to ensure the passage of the VAWA reauthorization in the Senate by unanimous consent. In September of 2005, Chuck helped St Lawrence University (Canton, NY) obtain a Department of Justice grant to help fight domestic violence on its campus.

  • Preventing a Nation-Wide Meth Epidemic and Cracking Down on Meth Labs: In May 2004, Chuck introduced a bill to make the penalties for selling methamphetamine the same as for selling crack cocaine. The bill makes the threshold amounts of meth which trigger tough federal penalties the same as those for crack cocaine, regardless of the purity of the drug. He also is a cosponsor of the Combat Meth Act of 2005, which regulates the sale of pseudoephedrine, an over-the-counter cold medication that is one of the chief ingredients of meth. Chuck also serves as a member of the bipartisan Senate Anti-Meth Caucus. For his work on this important issue, Chuck was awarded the prestigious Guardian Award from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America.

  • The Second Chance Act of 2005: Chuck believes that there are many effective ways to fight crime, and that one of them is to target young people who have taken small steps down the wrong track and give them a chance to head in the right direction. For that reason, he is a cosponsor of the Second Chance Act of 2005, a bill that would authorize grants to civic, community, and faith-based programs that help recently-released ex-convicts find housing, jobs and ensure that they stay drug-free. Chuck believes that such programs are crucial to reducing recidivism rates, and in early 2005 he pressed the Department of Justice to keep in place its program targeting young, non-violent convicts.

    For a complete index of crime related press releases, please click here.

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