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Agenda - Agriculture
Agriculture is New York's largest industry, and New York's family farms have long been the backbone of its rural communities. That's why Chuck has remained so committed to providing New York farmers with the support they deserve. Some of his recent efforts include:
  • Dairy: As part of this year's Farm Bill, Chuck successfully pushed for the inclusion of a national dairy plan with new and unprecedented benefits to New York's farmers, including a dairy price support program comparable to the now-defunct Northeast Dairy Compact. The final bill will send $76 million annually to New York dairy farmers over the life of the program. Chuck has also launched a "Vendi-Milk" initiative to promote milk vending machines in schools throughout New York and the country. By simultaneously opening up a new market for dairy farmers and providing schoolchildren with a nutritious alternative to soda, Chuck hopes the machines could be just what the doctor ordered to clean up the dietary disarray in schools and help fix the crisis facing New York's dairy farms.

  • Farm Bill: Chuck and his Northeastern colleagues worked hard to secure measures in the federal Farm Bill that would benefit New York farmers. In addition to dairy, the Farm Bill will provide a $16.6 million stimulus to New York's apple farmers to help recoup losses suffered as a result of low apple prices in 2000. The Farm Bill will also send a $10 million grant to the State of New York to support onion producers in Orange County who suffered crop losses between 1996 and 2000.

  • Assistance For Apple Growers: In addition to payments included for New York apple farmers in the federal Farm Bill, Chuck played a key role in securing $75 million in direct payments for apple farmers in the FY02 Agriculture Appropriations bill for the Apple Market Loss Assistance program. Chuck also wrote to Secretary of Agriculture Veneman urging her to expedite the release of 2001 Apple Market Loss Assistance funds by using preexisting production data. By convincing the USDA to use preexisting data rather than compiling new data, Chuck helped make much needed funding available to apple growers months earlier than would have otherwise been possible. In October 2001, Chuck also urged the US Customs Service to solicit input from New York apple growers in its anti-dumping investigation into international producers of apple products, especially China.
    Chuck discusses Congressional disaster relief efforts with New York specialty crop growers in Washington.

  • $2.3 million for New York State Agriculture and Markets: Chuck played a role in securing $2.3 million for the New York Agriculture and Markets program to help market specialty crops, such as Hudson Valley vegetables in the FY02 Agriculture Appropriations bill.

  • Promoting New York Produce: Chuck urged the Cornell Cooperative Extension to include a New York City school in a pilot project geared toward encouraging schools around the state to use more New York-grown products, an effort that would directly benefit Hudson Valley farmers. Chuck will continue to push for the inclusion of NYC schools in 2002.

    For a complete index of press releases on agriculture, please click here.

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