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Senator Schumer Section Header


Committees - Rules and Administration

The Rules Committee plays an extremely important role in the federal government. Its jurisdiction includes:

  • Federal elections for President, Vice President, Representatives, and Senators.
  • The rules and procedures of the Senate.
  • Corrupt practices.
  • Senate buildings, offices, and facilities.
  • The Government Printing Office and the Congressional Record.

In the Rules Committee, Chuck has worked to ensure the integrity and fairness of federal elections. He is the nation's leading advocate of voting reform, crafting landmark bipartisan legislation that would provide funding for local governments to improve their voting technology and provide guidance and expertise in improving election practices. As a leader on this issue, Chuck helped broker a bi-partisan deal that could allow election reform legislation to reach the Senate floor in early 2002. He was also a strong supporter of the McCain-Feingold bill and wrote a crucial amendment to block a loophole in the soft-money ban.

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