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Congresswoman Bordallo Returns from Iraq and Afghanistan


Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo returned today from a House Armed Services Committee Congressional Delegation to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.  The mission of the delegation, led by Congresswoman Bordallo, was to visit U.S. troops stationed in these locations, and to assess the progress of the U.S. mission in Operations Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.

“I believe that it is important to show our support for our men and women in uniform who are serving in harm’s way” saidCongresswoman Bordallo. “I had the opportunity to lead this Congressional Delegation to Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan to gain more insight about the current situation in the Middle East.  We also were able to meet with our servicemen and women from Guam, including the Guam National Guard’s Alpha Company.  I told them that the people of Guam as well as our nation support them; we are very proud of their dedication and professionalism; and we hope that they can return home soon.   I also brought them gifts from home, including guguria, donné, and mementos.  We had a very special visit with members of Alpha Company in Afghanistan who recently lost two of their soldiers.  I told them we share their loss and we are praying for their safe return.”

The Congressional Delegation met with General Raymond Odierno, Commanding General of the Multi-National Force-Iraq and Ambassador Ryan Crocker as well as local Iraqi leaders in Baghdad receiving updates on the progress of political reconciliation and stabilization efforts in the country.  The delegation then had the opportunity to tour portions of the Al-Anbar province to see how local Sheiks have worked with coalition forces to bring about stability to that region of Iraq.  The delegation then visited Pakistan where they were briefed on humanitarian and security efforts in the tribal regions of Northern Pakistan.  Finally, the delegation visited Afghanistan to meet with U.S. servicemembers.  On the way back to Washington, D.C. the delegation also met with wounded warriors at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center.

Our country briefings were informative and helpful,” said Congresswoman Bordallo.  “We areconcerned about the political instability in Pakistan and its effect on ground operations in Afghanistan.  We also discussed with leaders and military commanders in Afghanistan the need for more resources to be sent to this area of operations to ensure that our security goals are realized and to bring stability to this region.

Contact: Joseph E. Duenas in Washington, D.C. at 202-225-1188 or Audreya Taitano at 671-477-4272/4 or

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