May 17, 2007

Statement of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton on Internet Video of Apparent Honor Killing

"The Internet video circulating this week showing the stoning death of a young Iraqi woman in an apparent honor killing is deplorable. I am saddened and shocked not only by this needless death, but also by the fact that this loss of life was recorded with no intervention by any of the onlookers observing or recording the event.

This tragic act of violence is just one of many faced by women around the world every day, and the silent epidemic of gender-based violence is far too pervasive in every country around the world. According to a 2005 study by the World Health Organization, more than 50 percent of women in several of the countries surveyed reported experiencing physical or sexual abuse at the hands of their partners. We have a moral duty to speak out against such forms of violence, and bring those who perpetrate them to justice.

Honor killings are never justified or acceptable, and I believe we cannot stand idly by - like those who watched this young woman die - while such violent acts are perpetuated against girls and women around the world. As First Lady and Senator from New York, I have worked to ensure that women are safe from all forms of violence and exploitation, such as human trafficking and domestic violence, and I pledge to continue working with my colleagues in Congress to improve the safety of women around the world, and end the practice of honor killings and other forms of gender-based violence."


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