Congressman Gary Ackerman's Press Release
Contact: Jordan Goldes Phone (718) 423-2154 Fax (718) 423-5591
May 30, 2008  
Ackerman Calls for a Full Commitment to the Israeli-Palestine Peace Process

(Washington, DC) - Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (D-Queens/L.I.), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia, today urged President Bush to continue U.S. support for Israel in light of recent attacks on its civilian population.  In a letter to the President, Ackerman advocated for open and public support for Israel’s right to self-defense while condemning the lack of commitment from other actors in the region to the peace process.

“Hamas is more committed to the destruction of Israel than to the construction of the Palestinian Authority.  Palestinians are desperate for food and fuel and are being used as human shields by their own government,” said Ackerman. “All of these Arab states who have cited the peace process as a top priority have yet to fulfill their already meager pledges to the Palestinian Authority,” he continued. “In the mean time, Hamas is being supported and trained by Iran, whose leadership has only acknowledged Israel by calling for its destruction.  It is the responsibility of the United States to publicly and strongly stand with Israel so long as these people are committed to its end.”

Israelis living along the border near Gaza have been subject to unprovoked rocket fire each day since Israel withdrew from Gaza in August 2005.  Over 4,000 rockets and mortars have been fired by Palestinian terrorists into southern Israel over the last three years, killing innocent Israelis and injuring thousands. Only three Arab states maintain full diplomatic relations with Israel. 



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