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Funds For Runway Improvements Will Keep Base Open

US Senator Charles E. Schumer and US Representative John LaFalce today announced that a conference committee reconciling differences between the House and Senate versions of the Military Construction Appropriations Bill had approved $4.1 million for the Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station to make runway repairs and renovations.

"This facility is over 50 years old, and parts of it are not being utilized to their full potential. Today, we took the crucial first step of enabling the base to reverse this situation," Schumer said. "The runways are too short to support some of the planes that are stationed there. This funding is going to help modernize the runways so that these planes remain at the base and help keep it open."

"I am very pleased by the conference committee's decision to approve the House-passed provision of $4.1 million for the air base runway extension project," LaFalce said. "This agreement brings us one step closer to securing this much needed funding and is a clear recognition of the vital importance of our air base and of the dedicated efforts, past and present, of the men and women at Niagara Falls in support of US military operations throughout the world."

Currently, the length of the runway at the base does not allow for full operational utilization of the KC-135 airplanes stationed there. Without these upgrades, the planes would sit on the runway and eventually be transferred to a base capable of supporting them, thereby threatening the long-term survival of the base. When the construction is completed, these Niagara-based aircraft will be able to help re-supply military operations in Europe and the Near East.

Specifically, the funding will be used for the design and construction of the runway extension and the construction of a runway overrun at the base. The money will be
available in fiscal year 2001.

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