Rahall Statement on DRILL Act

July 17, 2008

CONTACT: Allyson Groff or Blake Androff, 202-226-9019

Washington, D.C. -
House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) led debate on the House floor this afternoon on the Drill Responsibly in Leased Lands (DRILL) Act (H.R. 6515).  Below are the Chairman's remarks:

"Mr. Speaker, on behalf of a number of freshmen Democratic Members and in concert with the Democratic Leadership, I am pleased to bring to the floor the "Drill Responsibly in Leased Lands Act" - the DRILL bill.

"Let there be no mistake about it.  As Democrats, we are pro-drilling.  And we are for drilling now, in areas that can bring near term relief to the American public.  As others put forth bumper sticker energy policies, today, House Democrats are bringing forth prudent legislation aimed at unleashing the vast potential of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska.

"Where better to drill than the NATIONAL Petroleum Reserve.  That is what it is for.  That is why it was set aside.  The National Petroleum Reserve.

"My colleagues, situated on the North Slope of Alaska, this Reserve is no pipe dream like ANWR - which is a bumper sticker approach of our energy woes.

"The National Petroleum Reserve is open for leasing.  Has been, will be.  Twenty-three million acres.  Hear me now.  Twenty-three million acres, containing an estimated 10.6 billion barrels of recoverable oil.

"Far more than ANWR, which is not open to leasing.  And if opened, would be far behind bringing energy to Americans than the National Petroleum Reserve.

"In Alaska, 35 trillion cubic feet of natural gas has been stranded - think about that - 35 trillion cubic feet of natural gas - because there is no pipeline to bring it to market.

Elsewhere, there is 68 million acres of federal lands.  Onshore and offshore in the Outer Continental Shelf.  Under oil and gas leases.  That are not producing.  May be subject to speculation.  Being warehoused.

"I say drill it!  Drill it.

"The DRILL Act we are now considering would unleash the vast potential of the National Petroleum Reserve by requiring annual federal oil and gas lease sales, and by facilitating the construction of pipelines to connect the NPR-A with the existing Central North Slope - which includes Prudhoe Bay - transportation infrastructure and the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline.

"And it makes, as a matter of Presidential priority, the construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline so that stranded natural gas can be transported to the lower 48 States.

"It requires that Project Labor Agreements are entered into for the construction of these pipelines to provide good paying American jobs.

"It requires that the Trans-Alaskan pipeline, the NPR-A pipeline and the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline be fully maintained and operated in an efficient manner to ensure an uninterrupted flow of oil and natural gas to the Nation.

"And it bans the export of Alaskan oil so that American oil is used for the benefit of Americans.

"This is a commonsense approach to our near-term energy woes.

"We know, we know, we must transition ourselves from oil dependency.  We must wean ourselves from this oil addiction.

"Alternative fuels, coal-to-liquids, other non-corn based alternatives, are the only way to secure American Energy Independence from foreign crude.

"But in the near-term, we need to drill where the oil is, and where it is already available.  Not wait 20 years from now as the President proposes.  Not wait for years of surveys, planning, leasing, challenges.   We need to drill now.

"Let me observe that there are those who display a fundamental misunderstanding of parts of this legislation.  The use it or lose it provisions require the diligent development of federal oil and gas leases during their primary term - normally 10 years.

"And what that means is that during that period, we are requesting the oil companies to do something with these leases.  To explore for energy.  If a discovery is made, to apply for drilling permits.

"I understand drilling.  I am from West Virginia for the Love of God.  We are no NIMBY State.  We do not shirk from our contributions to the Nation's need for energy.  We have mining, and we have drilling.

"I understand that complications can take place while trying to develop a lease.  Environmental challenges.  Bureaucratic delay.  But this constitutes diligent development under the pending legislation.

"That companies are trying to do something with these federal oil and gas leases - 68 million acres worth - the size of the State of Colorado - that are not in production.

"Diligent development does not mean the lease is producing, it means that a company is doing something with the lease to determine whether it can be brought into production.

"That is diligent development.  With this legislation, it is the speculators we are after.  Those who would play fast and loose with America's energy resources, needed for American consumers.

"Vote for this legislation and you are voting to bring American energy to the American people.

"Vote for this legislation and you are voting for good paying American jobs.

"Vote for this legislation and you are voting to prevent American energy being exported to foreign markets.

"Drill here, drill now, on lands that can bring relief now.

"I reserve the balance of my time."
