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Press Release

New York's Senator

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 29, 2000


Money Will Be Used To Help Protect Watershed From Contamination

US Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced that FY01 Energy and Water Appropriations Bill which was passed by the House last night and will be voted on by the Senate on Monday will include $3 million for the State of New York to protect the Croton Watershed from contamination. Schumer personally requested the funding for the watershed earlier this year.

"Spending millions to protect our watersheds today will help prevent the need to spend billions to construct a giant water filtration plant tomorrow," said Schumer. "While much more remains to be done to protect the Croton Watershed from pollution, these funds represent an important step in the effort to preserve one of the best-tasting water supplies in the nation."

The Croton Watershed, which provides approximately 10% of New York City's drinking water, is currently threatened by pollution and nearby development. The State of New York will use the federal funding for a series of projects to divert wastewater away from the watershed, examine and monitor sources of watershed pollution and develop innovative ways to filter wastewater to prevent watershed contamination.

The specific projects funded under the appropriations bill are the Croton Watershed Stormwater Implementation project, the Brewster Collection System Extension, the Patterson Hamlet Sewer project and the New Castle Yeshiva Sewer project.

Under the New York City Watershed Agreement, a deal brokered by state, federal, and local governments, the State of New York is required to take certain measures to protect New York City's watersheds from pollution. It is estimated that it would cost New York City $6-8 billion to construct a new water filtration plant if the watersheds cannot be protected.

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