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House Republicans Call for “Immediate” Earmark Moratorium

January 29, 2008

FLASHBACK: Speaker Pelosi in 2006: “I’d just as soon eliminate them

Speaker Pelosi TODAY: “declined to comment on the Republican proposals”



Republican Action



Democrat Promises


The New York Times:House Republicans Urge Earmark Moratorium. House Republicans called on Friday for ‘an immediate moratorium’ on earmarking money for pet projects. They urged Democrats to join them in establishing a bipartisan panel to set strict new standards for such spending. As an interim step, House Republican leaders said, they will insist that all House Republicans follow standards to eliminate ‘wasteful pork-barrel spending’ … Nadeam Elshami, a spokesman for Ms. Pelosi, declined to comment on the Republican proposals.” (1/26/08)

Associated Press: “House GOP Proposes Earmarks Moratorium. House Republicans say they are willing to stop funding … pet projects for their home districts if Democrats are willing to go along. … The proposed moratorium would give time for reforms to be devised to supplement recent rules requiring lawmakers who obtain earmarks and the entities receiving the money to be identified. ‘House Republicans believe that the earmark system should be brought to an immediate halt, and a bipartisan select committee should immediately be established for the purpose of identifying ways to bring fundamental change to the way in which Washington spends taxpayers' money,’ House GOP leaders said in a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.” (1/25/08)



House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said yesterday that she would support banning earmarks outright. ‘I’d just as soon eliminate them altogether,’ Pelosi said…” (The Hill, 5/3/06)

Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-WI): “If I had my way there wouldn’t be any damn earmarks. They are a huge nuisance.” (National Review Online, 6/5/07)

Then-DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel: "The American people deserve to know more than who sponsored special interest legislation. They deserve earmark reform that puts an end to special interest earmarking, and provides solutions to prevent the practice of earmark abuse." (Release, 9/12/06)

Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ): “Earmarking needs to be severely restricted. At a minimum, each Member should be willing to fully disclose the requesting organization or person and explaining the purpose of the project publicly.” (Congressional Record, 5/3/06)

Rep. Chris Murphy (D-CT): “That's where the elimination or reduction of earmarks would benefit Connecticut.” (Litchfield County Times, 1/4/07)

Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA): "It's time for real reform of Congressional earmarks…” (Release, 8/24/06)

Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC): "Shuler said last week that there is way too much wasteful spending by Congress, especially on earmarked projects for local areas that are not good national investments. He'll oppose that kind of spending, he said." (Knoxville News-Sentinel, 11/19/0)