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March 2008

Monthly Archive

Public Outcry Mounting for House Vote on Bipartisan Senate Intelligence Bill

Yesterday a bipartisan group of 25 state attorneys general wrote House leaders urging a vote on the Senate-passed FISA bill (S.2248). In their letter, the AGs stated that passage of the bipartisan Senate-passed FISA bill would “ensure our intelligence experts are once again able to conduct real-time surveillance. … With S. 2248 still pending in the House of Representatives, our national security is in jeopardy.

Meanwhile, House Republicans have penned another round of op-eds demonstrating our firm committment to passing this bipartisan legislation to combat terrorism and keep America safe.

Rep. Trent Franks (AZ), wrote a column for Townhall.com entitled ‘Democrat Leadership Must Stop Politicking with America’s National Security.’ “House leadership has repeatedly chosen to exploit America’s national security for the sake of political posturing, and they continue to jeopardize the ability of our intelligence community to fulfill the most fundamental purpose of our federal government, to provide for the common defense,” wrote Mr. Franks.

Rep. Tom Feeney (FL), wrote an op-ed – subheadline: “Democrats are putting special interests first” – that appears on Floridatoday.Com. Mr. Feeney argued,What the American people deserve is safety, and it is time for obstructionist Democrats to stop playing politics for their wealthy contributors [trial lawyers] and start acting responsibly to protect our families and children.”

Rep. Charlie Dent (PA), who’s been one the most outspoken House Republicans on this issue, penned an entry on The Hill’s Congress Blog entitled “There Are No More Excuses.” A member of the Homeland Security Committee, Mr. Dent wrote “It has now been sixteen days since the Protect America Act expired. And for all that time, we have had a bipartisan solution in hand. This entire episode is a perfect example of why Americans are frustrated with a broken Washington.”

Tagged as: General
Posted 05 Mar 2008

All Talk, No Action: New Democrat Budget Fails Fiscal Responsibility Test

USA Today reports that House Democrats will unveil their fiscal 2009 budget on Wednesday. If budgets are about priorities, then Democrat proposal speaks clearly about how little they value fiscal responsibility. As USA Today says succinctly:

Democrats “want more domestic spending. They want fewer tax cuts. And they reject savings in Medicare.”

Remember when Democrats claimed to be the party of fiscal responsibility? It wasn’t that long ago when Speaker Nancy Pelosi “promise[d] fiscal restraint,” professed that Democrats “love tax cuts” and are “committed to addressing the long-term challenge faced by Social Security and Medicare.”

Tagged as: Democrats Abuse of Power, Tax Relief
Posted 04 Mar 2008