U.S. Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D. 26th District of Texas

Contact: Lauren Bean (202) 225 - 7772

Congressman Burgess Statement on latest toy recall

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WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 8, 2007 -  

Following the announcement by the Consumer Product Safety Commission of the most recent recall of the children's toy "Aqua Dots," Congressman Michael C. Burgess (R-TX) released the following statement:

"It is distressing to once again hear of yet another toy manufactured in China that has caused serious harm to children. The latest toy recall of Aqua Dots due to poisonous glue is yet another example of the lack of care taken by China in manufacturing products that are then shipped all over the world.

"I am extremely disturbed by this ongoing problem. I strive daily as a member of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, specifically the Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, the Oversight and Investigations, and the Health subcommittees, to resolve this serious problem.

"I am not clear how these dangerous ingredients, the same ingredients commonly used in known date rape drugs, ended up in children's toys, but I am clear on one thing: time after time these toys have come from the People's Republic of China, and now is the time for that to stop. With Christmas just around the corner, Americans should not have to second-guess the safety of the toys they purchase for their children."

Over the last few months, Congressman Burgess has become more and more concerned with the growing number of consumer product and food recalls, with the majority of the recalled products coming from the People's Republic of China. Congressman Burgess has been in the forefront of developing more effective and efficient ways to ensure that these harmful products do not enter America's commerce. He serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, specifically the Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection, the Oversight and Investigations, and the Health subcommittees, which have jurisdiction over food and product safety issues. Recently, Congressman Burgess introduced H.R. 3967, the Imported Food Safety Improvement Act of 2007.

To view the lastest consumer product recalls, please visit www.cpsc.gov

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