News From Sen. Sam Brownback

Brownback Applauds Federal Reserve Action

Calls for continued vigilance

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Sam Brownback today applauded the Federal Reserve's decision to reduce the Federal Funds target rate by ¾ percent to 2 ¼ percent.

"Today's aggressive action by the Federal Reserve is a step in the right direction in the fight to stimulate economic growth in our economy," Brownback said. "I also applaud the Federal Reserve's actions to preserve liquidity and stability in financial markets. Liquid and functioning financial markets are essential to our nation's economic system. The Fed's continuing vigilance and aggressive posture in addressing challenges in the financial markets is key to restoring confidence and vitality to struggling sectors of the financial markets."

Brownback is the Ranking Republican on the Joint Economic Committee.


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