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Thompson Statement on Confirmation of DHS Deputy Secretary Schneider

Thursday, June 05, 2008

(WASHINGTON) – Today, Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) released the following statement commending the Senate’s confirmation of Paul A. Schneider to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security:

"I am happy to be among the first to congratulate Deputy Secretary Schneider on his confirmation and to officially welcome him to the role that he has been fulfilling in an acting capacity for some time. Paul's confirmation may come late in the Administration, but his responsibility for leading the Department's transition is critical to our homeland security. I look forward to building upon our working relationship and hope that Secretary Schneider will follow-through with his commitments of improved functionality, transparency, and accountability at DHS."

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Please contact Dena Graziano or Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978.

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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