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by Stacey Farnen Bernards

May 23, 2008

Leader's Report
majorityleader.house.gov · (202) 225-3130

This past week, the Democratic-led Congress once again showed that we getting important things done for the American people and addressing key national priorities.  As gas prices continue to set new records, we passed two measures to help bring relief.  The Gas Price Relief for Consumers Act will hold OPEC accountable for price fixing and create a Department of Justice task force to investigate price fixing activities.  The Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act extends tax credits to encourage investment in renewable energy, which will decrease our dependence on foreign oil in the long run.  This far-sighted bill also extends tax relief for millions of families and provides tax incentives for small businesses.

As we head into Memorial Day weekend, the House also passed the Defense Authorization Act, which will strengthen our military readiness, refocus on the war in Afghanistan, and provide for our troops and their families.  And in honor of our troops, we cleared a package of bills that focuses on improving care and services for our nation's veterans.

These accomplishments join a record of addressing critical issues, including the war in Iraq and our national security, the economy, the housing crisis, and exploding gasoline costs.  Just this year, the House has passed a bipartisan economic stimulus bill, suspension of deliveries to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help lower gas prices, major housing legislation to keep families facing foreclosure in their homes, and a GI Bill that restores full education benefits to veterans.  We have also passed a Farm Bill that invests in nutrition, a bill ensuring parents and students have access to student loans this fall, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, a mental health parity bill, and a Coast Guard reauthorization bill to increase the security of our coastline.

Our work, however, is not finished, and we will continue to address the issues important to the American people.
Sincerely yours,
Steny H. Hoyer

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Hoyer Statement on the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act
On Wednesday, Hoyer spoke on the House Floor in support of the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act, calling it another step in efforts to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and noting the substantial tax relief it will offer to millions of Americans through extending the child tax credit, allowing deductions for tuition and classroom expenses for teachers, and deduction of state and local sales tax, among other tax credits.
Read release
Read more about House Democrats' Strong Record of Accomplishment

Hoyer Statement on the Gas Price Relief for Consumers Act
Hoyer praised House passage of the Gas Price Relief Act, saying it is just one part of a Democratic agenda to address record gas prices through a variety of methods - a sharp contrast to the Republicans' one and only solution of more drilling.
Read release
Read more about how Democrats are working to make America energy independent and lower gas prices.

Hoyer Statement on House Override of President's Farm Bill Veto
After the House overwhelmingly rejected the President's veto of the Farm Bill, Hoyer noted that the bill contains important provisions that will help address high food and gas prices by investing in nutrition programs and alternative energy sources.
Read release
