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CONTACT: Press Office
Mikulski Announces $424.7 Million for Aberdeen Proving Ground in Spending Bill

Maryland receives nearly $1.3 billion for critical projects

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, today announced the fiscal year 2009 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs spending bill provides nearly $1.3 billion for projects at Maryland’s military facilities, including $865 million in Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) projects. The legislation, which passed the full Senate Appropriations Committee this afternoon, contains provisions for military installations nationwide, with federal funding totaling $24.7 billion to support new construction costs.

“I told Maryland’s military leaders I would fight for this funding. My promises made are promises kept,” said Senator Mikulski. “A stronger America begins at home. That’s why I fight every year to make sure our military has the tools it needs to keep us safe. I will keep up my work to make sure Maryland communities the resources in the federal checkbook to implement BRAC recommendations and sustain our military installations.”

The spending bill provides $424.7 million for Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) in Harford County, including:

• $241 million in BRAC funding to continue construction on C4ISR facilities

• $43 million in BRAC funding to consolidate Army Test and Evaluation Command headquarters.

• $35 million in BRAC funding to consolidate Army Research Lab vehicle technology facilities.

• $28 million for an aviation support facility for the Army National Guard at Weide Army Airfield in Edgewood.

• $27 million in BRAC funding for a medical research lab on chemical and biological weapons defense.

• $27 million in BRAC funding for a non-medical chemical and biological facility.

• $23.7 million for the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense.

The bill also includes $94.8 billion for critical Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) programs, which includes $48 billion in discretionary funding. This is a significant $3.3 billion more than the President’s budget request. The bill provides $70 million above the President’s budget request to hire an additional 500 claims specialists to address the growing backlog of compensation, pension claims and disability cases. It also rejects the President’s proposal to double prescription copays and charge step enrollment fees for VA patients.

In the next step of the appropriations process, the bill will go to the Senate floor for a vote, which has not yet been scheduled.

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