Thursday, March 13, 2008

Chairman Waxman Issues a Subpoena for EPA Documents

Chairman Waxman issued a subpoena to compel EPA to provide unredacted copies of documents that have been improperly withheld from the Committee regarding EPA’s decision to reject California’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles.

Chairman Waxman made the following statement,

“Despite several requests for these documents, EPA has refused to provide them to the Committee. These documents must be provided to the Committee because they are relevant to the examination of the Administration’s decision to reject California’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles. The desire to conceal embarrassing facts is not a valid legal basis for withholding these documents from the Committee.”

The subpoena compels production of 196 internal EPA documents. The Committee’s discussions with EPA regarding the production of EPA communications with the White House and the Department of Justice are ongoing.