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Political Robo Calls

Congresswoman Foxx has pledged not to conduct “robo” calls to voters in the fifth district who have registered their phone number with the National Political Do Not Contact (NPDNC) registry at  Congresswoman Foxx was the first Member of Congress to take the “Do Not Robo Call” pledge since the non-profit Citizens for Civil Discourse launched the list last October.

The National Political Do Not Contact Registry is a program of Citizens for Civil Discourse (CCD), non-partisan, non-profit organization (federal 501(c)(3) status pending) dedicated to elevating political discussion in the United States.  CCD created the National Political Do Not Contact registry as a first step towards reducing unwanted political phone calls, particularly automated messages (“robo” calls), which frustrate and annoy voters regardless of party and ultimately reduce political participation.  Learn more or register your number at

Congresswoman Foxx is also leading the efforts in Congress to legislate the addition of political robo calls to the National Do-Not-Call Registry and has re-introduced H.R. 248, the Robo Calls Off Phones (Robo COP) Act for the second Congress in a row.  You may read more about this bill by clicking here.

To read about the efforts to pull the plug on automated campaign calls in North Carolina click here.