Senator Lieberman and Chairman Susan Collins



Through his chairmanship on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and membership on the Armed Services, Environment/Public Works, and Small Business Committees, Senator Lieberman works hard to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the federal government, ensure our military is well-trained and well-equipped, protect our environment, and support entrepreneurship and innovation among the nation's small businesses.


Homeland Security
and Governmental Affairs

As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Senator Lieberman is working closely with Senator Collins to improve the security of Americans at home. The Committee has passed and Congress has enacted seven major pieces of legislation since the September 11 terrorist attacks to achieve this goal, including creation of the Department of Homeland Security, unifying the federal intelligence community, implementing the 9/11 Commission recommendations, and strengthening FEMA. The two Senators continue to oversee these laws to ensure their full implementation. Senator Lieberman also remains committed to the Committee's ongoing investigation into the roots, causes, and solutions for extreme islamic radicalization.

Read more about Senator Lieberman's work as Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Visit Senator Lieberman's focus page on the Hurricane Katrina Recovery.

Visit the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Web Site >


Armed Services

Senator Lieberman is a member of the Armed Services Committee, where he is Chairman of the AirLand Subcommittee and sits on the Subcommittee on Seapower and the Subcommittee on Personnel. The Senate Armed Services Committee is responsible for all matters relating to defense policy of the United States, including oversight of the Department of Defense and the nation's armed forces.
Read about Senator Lieberman's work in this area >
Related press releases & statements >
Visit the Armed Services Committee Web Site >


Environment & Public Works

Senator Lieberman is a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, which is responsible for protecting the nation's natural environment, including its air, water and wildlife. The Committee also regulates nonmilitary nuclear power and oversees the nation's surface transportation infrastructure. He is the Chairman of the Private Sector and Consumer Solutions to Global Warming and Wildlife Protection Subcommittee
Read about Senator Lieberman's work in this area >
Related press releases & statements >
Visit the Environment & Public Works Committee Web Site >


Small Business

Senator Lieberman is a member of the Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee, which is responsible for promoting and protecting the nation's small businesses and for oversight of the Small Business Administration. Small businesses employ more than half of the American work force and create slightly more than half of the nation's new jobs. According to 2006 data, approximately 97% of workers in Connecticut were employed by small businesses with fewer than 500 employees.

Small businesses remain an important route by which women, minorities, and immigrants enter and increase their share in the U.S. economy. In Connecticut, there are more than 82,000 women-owned businesses generating over $12 billion in revenues. Minority-owned businesses make up more than 7% of Connecticut's businesses and generate well over $4 billion in revenue.

Along with Senators Kerry and Snowe, Senator Lieberman co-sponsored an amendment to the FY 2008 budget resolution which added $100 million dollars to the Small Business Administration (SBA) budget request. The additional funding, a 21% increase over the President's FY 2008 budget request, will fund the microloan, Small Business development centers, Women's Business centers, and veterans' outreach programs.

This year, Senator Lieberman's priorities on the Small Business Committee include providing more opportunities for veterans, minorities, and women to own and operate small businesses in the United States; reforming the disaster loan assistance program operated by the Small Business Administration; keeping small business loans at low interest rates for qualified borrowers; and encouraging the creation of more high-tech small businesses that can foster research and innovation.

Read about Senator Lieberman's work in this area >
Related press releases & statements >
Visit the Small Business Committee Web Site >




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