United States Senate Committee on
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Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard
Subcommittee Members

Maria Cantwell
John F. Kerry
Barbara Boxer
Bill Nelson
Frank R. Lautenberg
Thomas Carper
Amy Klobuchar
Daniel K. Inouye

Olympia J. Snowe
  (Ranking Member)
Gordon H. Smith
John E. Sununu
Jim DeMint
David Vitter
Roger Wicker
Ted Stevens
July 9, 2008 - Fishing Safety: The Policy Implications of Cooperatives and Vessel Improvements [view]
May 27, 2008 - Effects of Climate Change on Marine and Coastal Ecosystems in Washington [view]
May 6, 2008 - The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Oversight Hearing of 2008 [view]
March 6, 2008 - U.S. Coast Guard Budget and Oversight Hearing [view]
February 19, 2008 - Impacts of the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan on Maine’s Lobster Fishery [view]
December 18, 2007 - Oil Spills from Non-tank Vessels: Threats, Risks, and Vulnerabilities [view]
June 28, 2007 - Oversight Hearing on the Fiscal Year 2008 Budget for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [view]
May 10, 2007 - Effects of Climate Change and Ocean Acidification on Living Marine Resources [view]
April 18, 2007 - U.S. Coast Guard Budget and Oversight Hearing [view]
March 28, 2007 - Future of the Coast Guard Dive Program [view]
February 14, 2007 - Oversight Hearing on Recent Setbacks to the Coast Guard Deepwater Program [view]
June 15, 2006 - U.S. Coast Guard Budget [view]
November 14, 2005 - Legislation to Implement the Polar Bear Treaty [view]
August 1, 2005 - Vessel Oil Pollution: Reducing the Risk of Future Spills [view]
June 21, 2005 - Coast Guard's Revised Deepwater Implementation Plan [view]
March 17, 2005 - Hearing on the Coast Guard Operational Readiness/Mission Balance/FY 2006 Budget Request [view]
Press Releases
September 11, 2008 - Commerce Committee Cancels Hearing to Examine Marine Protected Areas [view]
July 22, 2008 - President Signs Maritime Pollution Prevention Act [view]
July 7, 2008 - Oceans Subcommittee Announces Witnesses for Fishing Safety Hearing [view]
June 27, 2008 - Senate Passes Maritime Pollution Prevention Act [view]
June 27, 2008 - Oceans Subcommittee Announces Hearing on Fishing Safety [view]
June 19, 2008 - Inouye, Stevens, Cantwell, Snowe, Kerry Introduce Bill Connecting Colleges and NOAA for Research Initiatives [view]
May 21, 2008 - Oceans Subcommittee Announces Seattle Field Hearing on Climate Change Effects on Washington State [view]
May 5, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for NOAA Oversight Hearing [view]
May 1, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces NOAA Oversight Hearing [view]
April 24, 2008 - Inouye and Stevens Introduce Measure to Help Prevent Illegal Seafood from Entering U.S. [view]
April 2, 2008 - Commerce Committee Announces Witnesses for Hearing on International Fisheries [view]
March 12, 2008 - Commerce Committee Postpones NOAA Hearing [view]
March 4, 2008 - Inouye and Stevens Introduce Seafood Safety Legislation [view]
March 4, 2008 - Inouye: Americans Must be Confident in the Safety of Their Seafood [view]
March 3, 2008 - NOAA Administrator to Testify at Agency Budget Hearing [view]
February 29, 2008 - Coast Guard Commandant, GAO to Testify at Coast Guard Budget Hearing [view]
February 20, 2008 - Commerce Committee to Host CG Budget and Oversight Hearing [view]
February 5, 2008 - Oceans Subcommittee to Explore Whale Take Reduction Plan and Maine’s Lobster Fishery at Field Hearing [view]
December 14, 2007 - Coast Guard, NOAA, GAO among Witnesses for Oil Spills Hearing [view]
December 11, 2007 - Commerce Subcommittee to Examine Oil Spill Threats [view]
October 30, 2007 - Inouye Coral Reef Conservation Bill Approved by Senate Commerce Committee [view]
September 27, 2007 - Commerce Committee Approves Measure that Tempers Spread of Invasive Species [view]
August 2, 2007 - Senate Commerce Committee Reports Coast Guard Authorization Act [view]
July 26, 2007 - Inouye Cosponsors Coast Guard Authorization [view]
July 19, 2007 - Hydrographic Data Bill Approved by Commerce Committee [view]
June 22, 2007 - Vice Admiral Lautenbacher to Testify at NOAA Budget and Oversight Hearing [view]
June 13, 2007 - Inouye Introduces by Request Administration’s Offshore Aquaculture Act [view]
June 12, 2007 - Oceans Subcommittee to Hold NOAA Budget and Oversight Hearing [view]
June 7, 2007 - Senate Commerce Committee Works to Protect Nation’s Oceans, Coastline [view]
June 7, 2007 - Inouye and Stevens Sponsor Oceans Legislation [view]
June 27, 2006 - Congress Sends Coast Guard Reauthorization Bill to President [view]
June 5, 2006 - NOAA Honors Stevens with 2006 Special Recognition Award [view]
May 9, 2006 - Chairman Stevens Speaks in Support of Massachusetts Deciding Nantucket Sound Wind Farm Siting [view]
April 7, 2006 - Conference Committee Approves Coast Guard Authorization Conference Report [view]
March 28, 2006 - Senate Confirms Vice Admiral Thad Allen to be Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard [view]
January 19, 2006 - Chairman Stevens Comments on Nomination of New Commandant of the Coast Guard [view]
December 17, 2005 - Senate Approves The Coast Guard Hurricane Relief Act [view]
November 15, 2005 - Chairman Stevens Introduces Legislation to Implement the U.S.-Russian Polar Bear Treaty [view]
November 15, 2005 - Chairman Stevens Statement Upon Introduction of the United States-Russia Polar Bear Conservation and Management Implementation Act of 2005 [view]
Contact Info
Majority: 202-224-4912 Minority: 202-224-8172
Public Information Office: 508 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
Tel: 202-224-5115
Hearing Room: 253 Russell Senate Office Bldg • Washington, DC 20510-6125
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