U.S. Senator Bob Bennett - Utah
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Senator Bennett speaks at a press conference to emphasize the benefits of Pres. Bush's Jobs and Economic Growth Package for American families. During a recent visit to the New York Stock Exchange, Sen. Bennett is interviewed by a reporter about the competitiveness of U.S. markets.

Bennett on the Record

Floor Statements
  Senator Bennett Discusses Naked Short Selling on the Senate Floor (07/20/2007)
  Bennett Speaks on Free Trade Agreements and Tax Cuts (05/23/2007)
  Senator Bennett discusses the fourth anniversary of the Bush tax cuts (05/15/2007)
  Senator Bennett discusses the U.S. and Chinese Economies (05/01/2007)
  Senator Bennett Acknowledges Senator Frist and America's Trade Deficit with China (05/01/2007)
  Senator Bennett Speaks on Tax Day (04/18/2007)
  Senator Bennett discusses the economy and Speaker Pelosi's recent Middle East trip (04/10/2007)
  Economy: Growth (06/28/2006)
  The Economy - "The Greatest Story Never Told" (05/02/2006)
  Energy Prices (04/26/2006)
  Just the Numbers (10/05/2004)
  The Economy (07/08/2004)
  Economic Strength (06/16/2004)
  The Economy (05/11/2004)
  Jumpstart Our Business Strength (JOBS) Act (05/03/2004)
  Fear and Pessimism in Campaign Politics (04/06/2004)
  Congressional Budget for the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2005 (03/09/2004)
  Congressional Budget for the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2005 (03/08/2004)
  Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (11/25/2003)
  Economic Growth (10/31/2003)
  Iraq and the Deficit (10/14/2003)
  Tax Cuts Are Not the Problem (01/29/2003)
  The Economy (01/15/2003)
  The Economy (01/10/2003)
  The President's Growth Package (01/10/2003)
  The Economy (10/01/2002)
  The Economy (09/30/2002)
  Stock Market Volatility (07/26/2002)
  Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002 (07/15/2002)
  Taxes (05/25/2001)
  "How do we Manage the Economy Intelligently?": An Analysis of Our Budget, Our Debt and Our Future (04/17/1997)
  Isn't Anybody Back There Listening?: Small Business Takes a Legislative Beating (07/14/1993)

Press Releases

  Bennett Calls on Congress to 'Get America Back in the Game' of Producing Energy (07/23/2008)
  Cantwell Co-Sponsors Healthy Americans Act (07/07/2008)
  Senate Republicans Unveil 'Gas Price Reduction Act' (06/26/2008)
  Bennett Congratulates National Stock Market Game Champions from Riverton High School (06/11/2008)
  Bennett Remarks on the Climate Security Bill (06/05/2008)
  Bennett Calls for Increase in Domestic Production of Energy Resources (05/21/2008)
  Bennett Praises Banking Committee Compromise on Housing Legislation (05/20/2008)
  CBO Finds Healthy Americans Act Would Lead to Surpluses by 2014 (05/01/2008)
  Bennett's Annual Rural Business Conference Yields Successful Results In Price (03/27/2008)
  Coal, Energy, Small Business Development to be Featured at Senator Bennett's Rural Business Conference (03/17/2008)
  Small Business Growth, Energy Development to be Addressed at Senator Bennett's Rural Business Conference (03/07/2008)
  Senator Bennett Comments on President Bush's State of the Union Address (01/29/2008)
  Senator Bennett's Rural Business Conference Returns to Price in March (01/25/2008)
  Omnibus Spending Bill Includes Over $290 Million Requested by Bennett for Utah Projects (12/19/2007)
  Bennett Calls on Congress to Move Terrorism Insurance Before the End of the Year (11/16/2007)
  Bennett Says 7-Year Extension for the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program is Recognition of Its Importance and Need (10/17/2007)
  U.S. Senate Gives Utah Meth Fight and New Law Enforcement Tools a Thumbs Up (10/16/2007)
  U.S. Economy Hits Milestone - 49 Consecutive Months of Job Growth (10/05/2007)
  Bennett Delivers Over $120 Million for Utah Transportation and Economic Development Projects (09/12/2007)
  Bennett's Request for Transportation and Economic Development Projects Top $120 Million (07/12/2007)
  Federal Government Will Pay Out Over $20 Million to Utah Counties for Lost Tax Revenue (06/15/2007)
  Bennett Hails Utah's All-Time Low Unemployment Rate (03/30/2007)
  Bennett Votes to Protect the Jobs of Millions of Americans (02/01/2007)
  Bennett Says 5-Year Low Unemployment Reflects Strong Job Creation and Robust Economy (11/03/2006)
  Bennett Hails Utah Job Growth and All-Time Low Unemployment as Great News for the State (10/20/2006)
  Senator Bob Bennett Says Pro-Growth Policies are Spurring Economic Growth and Job Creation (10/11/2006)
  Bennett Says Vote on Energy Production Good for U.S. Economy and Consumers (08/02/2006)
  Second Quarter GDP Growth Shows Continued Positive Course for U.S. Economy, Bennett Says (07/28/2006)
  Bennett Says Lower Deficit Result of Pro-Growth Policies and Strong Economic Growth (07/11/2006)
  Bennett Joins Pres. Bush at the White House for the Tax Relief Bill Signing (05/17/2006)
  Bennett Hearing Concludes That Engaging Consumers in Health Care Choices Leads to Better Value in Care (05/10/2006)
  BENNETT: Jobs Numbers Show a Vibrant and Strong Economy (05/05/2006)
  Bennett Says GDP Growth is Proof the Economy Remains on Solid Footing (04/28/2006)
  Bennett Says New Jobs Reflect Growing Economy - Number Tops 5 Million Since August 2003 (04/07/2006)
  Energy Development, Small Business Growth to be Addressed at Senator Bennett's Rural Business Conference (03/28/2006)
  Bennett Hails Latest Jobs Numbers as Good News For The Growing Economy (03/10/2006)
  Senator Bob Bennett & Utah Rural Development Council to Host Rural Business Conference in Vernal (02/15/2006)
  Bennett Applauds Bush's Pick for Federal Reserve Chairman (10/24/2005)
  Bennett's Rural Business Conference Another Success -- Attracts Highest Number of Participants in Conference History (05/05/2005)
  Rural Business Conference to Share Ideas on "Growing from Within" (04/15/2005)
  BENNETT: $6.2 Million Coming to Brigham City Airport (03/11/2005)
  Salt Lake Women's Business Center Receives SBA Grant (10/19/2004)
  Congress Passes Crop Loss and Livestock Assistance (10/11/2004)
  Bennett Presents Four Utah Small Businesses with the Excellence in Rural Technology Awards (05/25/2004)
  Senator Bennett's Rural Business Conference a Big Success for the Third Year (05/25/2004)
  Senator Bennett's Rural Business Conference Will Feature Keynote by Inc. Magazine Senior Consultant (05/06/2004)
  Financial Services Roundtable Gives Bennett 2003 American Financial Leadership Award (03/03/2004)
  Bennett to Host Annual Business and Economic Summit in Salt Lake (02/18/2004)
  Senator Bennett Comments on State of the Union Speech (01/20/2004)
  Senator Bob Bennett & Utah Rural Development Council Host 2nd Annual Business Technology Conference (04/11/2003)
  Bennett to Host Business & Economic Summit (02/07/2003)
  Delta Gets Two New Slots at Washington's Reagan Airport for Flights from Salt Lake City (11/27/2002)
  Bennett Joined by Utah Center for Rural Life to Host Business Technology Conference (04/09/2002)
  NYSE Head and Senior Secret Service Agent to Join Bennett's Conference (04/01/2002)
  Grasso to Keynote Bennett's Financial Services and Technology Conference (03/21/2002)
  Bennett Calls on Senator Daschle to "Bring a Stimulus Package to a Vote" (02/06/2002)
  Bennett Joins Bush for Signing of Tax Relief Bill (06/07/2001)
  Bennett Receives Legislator of the Year Award (06/05/2001)
  Bennett Votes for Bush Tax Relief Plan, Largest Tax Cut in a Generation Clears Congress (05/26/2001)
  Senate Passage of Budget a "Great Victory for President," Says Bennett (05/10/2001)
  Bennett Tax Relief Stimulus Clears Senate Unanimously (04/05/2001)
  Bennett Helps Build Homes for Future Homeowners (03/07/2001)
  Bennett Announces Sixth Annual Financial Services and Technology Conference (02/12/2001)
  Bush Sends Tax Relief Plan to Capitol Hill (02/08/2001)
  Senate Votes to Raise Cap on H1-B Visas (10/03/2000)
  Bennett Gives Nod to Increasing Trade with China (09/19/2000)
  Senate Passes Bill Bringing Federal Labor Law into 21st Century (04/12/2000)
  Bennett, Others Introduce Bill to Make Stock Options Available to All Employees, Not Just Senior Level Management (03/29/2000)
  Media Advisory "E-commerce: What's Next?" (02/17/2000)
  Bennett Supports Legislation Increasing H1-B Visa Caps (02/09/2000)
  Bennett Announces Fifth Annual Financial Services and Technology Conference (02/08/2000)

Key Votes

Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, PL 108-27 (H.R. 2)
  Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, PL 108-159 (H.R. 2622)
  Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act, PL 108-100 (H.R. 1474)
  Accountant, Compliance, and Enforcement Staffing Act, PL 108-44 (H.R. 658)
  American Dream Downpayment Act, PL 108-186 (S. 811)
  Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, PL 107-147 (H.R. 3090)
  Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, PL 107-16 (H.R. 1836)
Of note: Law includes major provisions from H.R. 3, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Act; from H.R. 6, the Marriage Penalty and Family Tax Relief Act; from H.R. 8, the Death Tax Elimination Act; from H.R. 10 as passed in the House, the Comprehensive Retirement Security and Pension Reform Act; from H.R. 622, the Adoption Tax Credits bill; and from S. 896, the Senate budget reconciliation bill.
  Sarbanes-Oxley Corporate Reform Act of 2002, PL 107-204 (H.R. 3763)
  Of note: Law includes the following titles: Corporate and Criminal Fraud Accountability Act of 2002; Corporate Fraud Accountability Act of 2002; and White-Collar Crime Penalty Enhancement Act of 2002.
  S. AMDT. 216 to H.CON.RES 86 (Concurrent resolution passed) – 107th Congress
  Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, PL 106-102 (S.900)
  Of note: Law includes the following titles: ATM Fee Reform Act of 1999; Federal Home Loan Bank System Modernization Act of 1999; and Prime Act Program for Investment in Microentrepreneurs Act of 1999.
  Tax Relief for Middle-Class, R&D, and Welfare Employment, PL 106-170 (H.R. 1180)
  Worker Economic Opportunity Act, PL 106-202 (S. 2323)

Details on the above legislation may be found on THOMAS, a service of the Library of Congress website.

Additional Resources

Republican Policy Committee
New Jobs Data Stymies Pessimists' "McJobs" Rhetoric
A Dose of Reality for the Pessimists' "McJobs" Outlook
A Jobless, Sluggish Economic Recovery? The Facts Say Otherwise
Highlights of the Conference Report to Accompany H.R. 2, the Jobs and Growth Reconciliation Tax Act
Bush Economic Plan Has Economy on Road to Recovery

White House
Jobs and Growth Webpage
Corporate Responsibility Webpage
Taking Action to Strengthen Small Businesses Webpage
Joint Economic Committee
Recent Economic Indicators
Notes on the Utah Economy
Recent Studies
Joint Economic Committee Charts

Other Resources
Heritage Foundation

431 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington  DC 20510-4403       Phone: (202) 224-5444       E-mail Senator Bennett
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