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SUNY Albany, Montgomery Community College, and Albany Waterfront Project Will All Receive Federal Money

US Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and US Representative Mike McNulty (D-NY) today announced that the FY01 VA/HUD conference report approved by the House and Senate contains $1,219,000 for projects across the Capital Region. SUNY Albany, Fulton-Montgomery Community College, and the Albany Waterfront Project will all receive federal funding.

SUNY Albany will receive $344,000 to continue with the development of a High Tech Manufacturing and Workforce Training Center. The new center will provide job training programs for unskilled workers and help stimulate the creation of a statewide distributed-learning network that taps into the combined educational resources of New York State's two- and four- year colleges, as well as research universities.

Fulton-Montgomery Community College will receive $575,000 to move forward with a new facility for its Spatial Information Technology Center. The center is NASA's sole site for the commercialization of its technology and the new facility is necessary to promote NASA's work in remote sensing and other fields of spatial information technology.

"These two grants will help ensure that the high-tech sector continues to find a home in Albany for years to come," said Schumer. "The funding will help train the next generation of skilled workers and expand one the Capital Region's most impressive hi-tech centers."

"I am thrilled that we have secured this funding for colleges and universities in the Capital District," said McNulty. "The funding continues our efforts to stimulate regional economic growth and development, specifically in the high t echnology sector."

The City of Albany will also receive $300,000 for the Waterfront Development Project, an effort to reclaim and revitalize Albany's riverfront as an easily reached recreation area for pedestrians, drivers, and boaters alike. The City's multi-phase plan includes completion of a pedestrian bridge over the highways from the downtown area to the park; the construction of an natural amphitheater, bulkheads for boat docking, and a pedestrian promenade extending into the water; and additional park redesign elements.
"I am especially pleased to have worked hard and secured the funding for the Albany Waterfront Project," said McNulty. "This initial federal commitment allows Mayor Jerry Jennings to continue his efforts to develop and preserve Albany's Hudson River shoreline as an accessible and attractive community resource."

"This funding will help get the ball rolling on a project that will make Albany's waterfront both beautiful and functional," said Schumer. "The new park and promenade will bring residents and tourists to the area - and that's good news for waterfront businesses hungry for new customers."

The VA-HUD conference report will now go to the President for approval.

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