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January 03, 2007

Democrats Ready for Vote on Minimum Wage

» Hoyer on New Minimum Wage Report, January 02, 2007

» Minimum Wage Goes Without Increase For Longest Period in Law's History, November 30, 2006

» Hoyer: Minimum Wage is Best Example of Rubberstamp Congress's Wrong Priorities, September 27, 2006

» Leading House Democrats Urge 48 Republicans to "Back Up Words with Action" On the Minimum Wage, September 26, 2006

» Hoyer: In Honor of Labor Day, Raise the Minimum Wage, September 01, 2006

» Hoyer: New Report Underscores Need to Increase the Minimum Wage, July 20, 2006

» House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi Statement on Senate Vote on Minimum Wage.

» Whip Hoyer: Do-Nothing Republicans Intentionally Doomed Minimum Wage Increase.

» Rep. George Miller, Ranking Democrat on the Education and the Workforce Committee: Democrats Will Press Ahead for a Real Increase in the Minimum Wage. 

» Rep. Charlie Rangel, Ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee: Congress Must Vote on a Stand-Alone Minimum Wage Bill. 

» View Document from Education and the Workforce Committee Democrats: Killing the Minimum Wage - A Report on the Republican Poison Pill Parade. 

» Democrats Create Minimum Wage Momentum: View Timeline.

» New Analysis: Minimum Wage At Lowest Level in Half Century. (See Chart)

» Democratic Whip Report: Minimum Wage Background and Basic Facts

Additional Information

» Center for American Progress: Raising the Minimum Wage - Just the Facts.

» Economic Policy Institute: General Information on the Minimum Wage. 
