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» Ethics Truce Frays in House , March 17, 2004
A seven-year ethics truce between congressional Republicans and Democrats has begun to fray under the weight of mounting alleged abuses by House GOP leaders and tensions among Democrats over how aggressively to pursue the matters.
» Dems urge White House restraint on whistleblower, March 16, 2004
Democrats are urging President Bush not to retaliate against a whistleblower who spoke out on alleged White House efforts to suppress Medicare program.
» Deficit Sparks Family Feud Among House Republicans, March 13, 2004
Lawmakers are split on spending caps and tax cuts as they try to build a budget for fiscal 2005
» Common Cause, March 09, 2004
Democrats of all stripes are quickly coming together to beat the Republicans
» Caution on Election Reform Urged, March 08, 2004
Congressional sponsors of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 cautioned their colleagues that ongoing efforts to amend the law to deal with security issues could do more harm than good.
» Open Checkbooks: So Far This Cycle, DeLay, Hoyer Give More Than Hastert, Pelosi , March 05, 2004
When it comes to colleague-to-colleague giving, the No. 2 leaders are the tops
» Rational Exuberance, February 26, 2004
There is a strange, rare political species quietly roaming the landscape these days. Long endangered and occasionally thought to be extinct, its sudden re-emergence is as startling as it is sublime, particularly on Capitol Hill, where it seemed to face a fate on par with what the dinosaurs endured.
» Leaders Ponder Rewards for Newcomer, February 23, 2004
House Democratic leaders are scrambling to find a plum committee slot to reward their newest Member, Rep.-elect Ben Chandler (D-Ky.), for wresting away a Republican seat and giving them much-needed momentum heading into the 2004 elections.
» Hoyer 'Made to Order' as Minority Whip , February 22, 2004
These days, Hoyer, from La Plata, the 64-year-old dean of Maryland's delegation, finds himself in a comfortable spot almost everywhere he goes.
» Key legislators stand firm on military-civilian pay parity , February 20, 2004
Washington-area House lawmakers said Friday that they continue to support military-civilian pay parity, despite recent calls from the Bush administration and a senior congressman on the House Appropriations Committee to hold down the 2005 civil service pay raise.
» Democrats Take Kentucky Special Election, February 17, 2004
Former state Attorney General Ben Chandler (D) won a convincing victory tonight over state Sen. Alice Forgy Kerr (R) in Kentucky's 6th district, handing House Democrats their first victory in a Republican held-seat in a special election since 1991.
» For Hoyer, All Signs Point to Democratic Pickups, February 17, 2004
Pointing to hoped-for gains in upcoming special elections, renewed vigor in Texas House races and the nation’s evolving political mood, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is painting an ever-rosier political picture for House Democrats heading into the 2004 elections.
» Democrats Anticipate Momentum, February 10, 2004
Fresh off their annual retreat to plot election-year strategy, House Democrats for the first time in recent months believe they have a legitimate shot at narrowing the margin of their minority, sources throughout the Caucus indicate.
» Budgeting for Another Florida, February 08, 2004
President Bush has been spending money with reckless abandon, but he has found at least one place to economize: election reform.
» Bush's Unified Government, February 08, 2004
In the 27 months since he lost the popular vote by half a million ballots and won a majority in the Electoral College only by the intervention of the U.S. Supreme Court, George W. Bush has become leader of a uniquely unified government.
» Steny's Mission, February 06, 2004
Reflecting the party's strategy for cementing the traditional Jewish-Democratic bond, Mr. Hoyer makes the case that while Israel is important to most Jews, it continues to be just one of many issues that shape their votes and their political activism.
» Brad's Little Problem, February 04, 2004
In the Feb. 4 Roll Call, Nicole Duran reports that the refusal by Rep. Nick Smith, R-Mich., to "toe the party line on Medicare does not seem to be hurting his son's campaign to succeed him in Congress."
» For the Record, February 04, 2004
House Democrats may file an ethics complaint if Republican congressional leaders do not open an investigation into whether bribes were offered to win passage of the Medicare prescription drug bill, House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (Md.) said.
» Congressman Urges Vote-Buying Inquiry , February 03, 2004
A House Democratic leader said yesterday that he plans to press for an investigation by the chamber's ethics committee of alleged Republican vote-buying during deliberations on a new Medicare drug plan last November, threatening to end an informal agreement among lawmakers to refrain from triggering inquiries against one another.
» Hoyer Seeks Hastert Intervention, February 03, 2004
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Monday he will for a third time call on Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) to urge the ethics committee to investigate alleged House floor bribery, but if the Republican leader continues to balk, he vowed Democrats will be forced to file a complaint.
» An End to Ethics Truce?, February 02, 2004
House Democrats are on the cusp of breaking the seven-year cease-fire with Republicans over filing ethics complaints, sources throughout the Caucus confirm.
» House Dems seek ethics probe, February 02, 2004
If the House ethics committee doesn’t investigate allegations of arm-twisting during voting on a Medicare bill, a House Democratic leader said Tuesday that Democrats will file a formal complaint within a few weeks.
» Hoyer Presses For Investigation Into Smith Comments, February 02, 2004
The flap over whether the House Ethics Committee should investigate statements by Rep. Nick Smith, R-Mich., about the Medicare prescription drug vote continued to simmer today.
» Inquiry Sought in House Vote on Drug Plan for Medicare, February 02, 2004
In a Jan. 20 letter to the speaker, Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the Democratic whip, said an investigation by the House ethics committee was needed to protect the reputation of the House after Representative Nick Smith, Republican of Michigan, said groups and lawmakers had offered support for his son's Congressional campaign if Mr. Smith backed the measure, which passed 220 to 215.
» Inquiry Sought In House Vote On Drug Plan For Medicare , February 02, 2004
leading House Democrat has called on Speaker J. Dennis Hastert to initiate an ethics investigation into accusations of bribery during last November's vote on the new Medicare drug plan


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