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» DeLay, Hoyer Laud U.S.-Israel Relationship, May 17, 2004
House Majority Leader DeLay and Minority Whip Hoyer addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee today, reaffirming the U.S. commitment to a secure Israeli state and to a united force in the war on terror.
» Democrats ‘Whip’ for Herseth, May 17, 2004
As part of House Democratic leaders’ final drive to elect South Dakotan Stephanie Herseth to the House, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) has tasked several well-placed Members with twisting arms within the Caucus to encourage contributions to her campaign.
» Elections system panel pleads for help, May 13, 2004
Strapped for resources and time, the new federal agency set up to improve the nation's election system pleaded with lawmakers yesterday for an additional $10 million for research into what voting equipment works, and into whether to get rid of outdated machinery like the kind used in New York.
» From GOP, Zero Tolerance For Democratic War Critics , May 13, 2004
Republicans have adopted a scorched-earth strategy toward Democrats who challenge the wisdom of the way the war in Iraq is being conducted. Such critics, GOP officials say, are not merely misguided but are craven cut-and-runners who help the enemy and put politics ahead of U.S. troops' safety.
» Leaders Top Givers to ‘Frontline’ Democrats, May 12, 2004
Heeding the call from House Democratic leaders to help out vulnerable incumbents, more than 15 rank-and-file Members have coughed up at least $15,000 each so far this cycle to help protect their colleagues.
» Democrats Lay Plans for $25B, May 10, 2004
Congressional Democrats are preparing to lock horns with the White House over its appeal for a $25 billion wartime reserve fund, and will seek to triple the request as well as reallocate Iraq construction funds to help offset it.
» Republican Cowboys, May 10, 2004
"They deal with us [Democrats] the same way they deal with our allies around the world: 'It's our way or the highway'," House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer says. "'You do things our way or you don't play'."
» Appropriation political, necessary, May 07, 2004
Democrats in Congress are zeroing in on President Bush's request for $25 billion in more war funds
» Congressional reaction to abuse scandal heats up , May 06, 2004
Congressional reaction to the prison abuse scandal in Iraq took on an increasingly angry tone Thursday, with some Democrats calling for the firing of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
» Democrats praise party's fiscal restraint, May 06, 2004
Fiscal conservatism appears no longer to be the exclusive political bastion of the Republican Party as congressional Democrats are touting themselves as the chintzy guardians of the people's money this election year.
» Bush Says U.S. Will Punish Those Who Abused Iraqis , May 05, 2004
``It is completely unacceptable that the Bush administration and the Pentagon knew of these shameful acts and did not move immediately to end it and hold those responsible accountable,'' said House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland.
» AMT Curb Is Wednesday’s Installment of House GOP Tax Cut Extension Drive, May 04, 2004
Republicans and Democrats will offer competing proposals on the House floor Wednesday to curb the impact of the alternative minimum tax (AMT) on middle-income families.
» U.S. House Deplores Mistreatment of Prisoners, May 04, 2004
President Bush's fellow Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives joined Democrats on Thursday in deploring the mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners.
» Soap Box Derby Gets Final OK, May 03, 2004
Aspiring young builders and racers were given a green light last week when the House and Senate passed resolutions to allow the 63rd annual Greater Washington Soap Box Derby to take place on the Capitol grounds.
» Denver Post: Stop Attacks on Kerry, April 28, 2004
It's time to end the sideshow created by attacks on Sen. John Kerry's Vietnam War record. It hardly seems possible that Dick Cheney can be leading the charge.
» Hoyer marks Israel Independence Day, April 28, 2004
The U.S.-Israel partnership is "unbreakable," a top Democrat said on the eve of Israel's Independence Day.
» Hoyer Smells Change, Victory in the Air, April 28, 2004
House Democrats are banking on what they believe is a growing desire among voters for change and Sen. John Kerry’s (D-Mass.) ability to win the presidential debate on national security in their quest to retake the chamber this cycle.
» House minority whip stumps for Democratic candidates, April 16, 2004
U.S. House minority whip Steny Hoyer, D-Md., stumped in Nebraska Friday for Democratic congressional candidates Matt Connealy and Nancy Thompson.
» Maryland lawmaker pledges to fight for Lewis & Clark water, April 16, 2004
A senior member of the House Appropriations Committee says he can make a good argument to President Bush about the value of the Lewis & Clark water pipeline project, even though the president isn't a fan of the spending.
» House Leadership Profile: Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer, April 03, 2004
At 64, Hoyer is, in the main, the model of civility, a legislative veteran of almost four decades whose fierce advocacy and party loyalty are tempered by a respectful manner and a rare drive to work with all of his congressional colleagues.
» Democrats pleased with job growth but add there's a long way to go , April 02, 2004
Congressional Democrats say they're pleased with the big jump in the number of jobs created last month.
» Pairing Up for Parity , April 01, 2004
Advocates of pay parity won the day Wednesday, when an overwhelming majority of House lawmakers voted for a resolution supporting military-civilian pay parity in 2005.
» Dems together on budget, March 30, 2004
House Democrats will attempt today to force Republicans to retreat from a key provision in their budget, hoping to repeat last year’s victory in which the GOP leaders released their rank-and-file members and allowed them to vote for the Democrats’ motion to instruct conferees.
» Budget Battle Heads to Floor, March 23, 2004
As House Republicans work to build support for the fiscal 2005 budget, Democrats head into this week’s vote confident that their own Members will unanimously oppose the GOP bill.
» House Dems launch spring offensive on Medicare law, March 23, 2004
House Democrats fanned across the country last weekend for a spring offensive on the new prescription-drug program, holding more than 70 town-hall meetings.


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