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» GOP’s ‘Energy Week’ in the House Running Out of Steam, June 17, 2004
Two of the five bills that were to highlight the GOP’s legislative response to high gas prices ran into unexpectedly strong opposition Wednesday. One was withdrawn and the other defeated.
» DeLay to Be Subject of Ethics Complaint , June 15, 2004
A Democratic congressman plans to file a wide-ranging ethics complaint today against House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), shattering the remnants of a seven-year-old, unwritten ethics truce between the two parties and possibly nudging the House back toward a brand of political warfare that helped topple two speakers.
» Tax Legislation Worthy Only of The Trash Heap, June 09, 2004
If Republicans really want to honor the memory of Ronald Reagan, they should toss in the trash the corporate tax legislation making its way through Congress...
» GOP's Rehashing of Old Legislation Angers Democrats, June 06, 2004
The tactic goes by several names: Déjà Vu, Play it Again, Summer Reruns. House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) prefers "the cow agenda," saying House Republican leaders regurgitate previously passed bills, then force lawmakers to chew and swallow them again.
» House Into Summer Reruns With GOP’s Procedural Gambit , June 05, 2004
Rep. Steny H. Hoyer, D-Md., the minority whip, dismisses the current House Republican agenda as “cud,” the regurgitated food that cows chew a second time. More politely, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., calls it “warmed-over stew.”
» Hoyer Knows Music, June 05, 2004
Music industry folk outside of the Beltway might view Steny Hoyer as a dark horse for the co-chairmanship of the new Congressional Recordings Arts and Sciences caucus.
» Whip Smart, June 04, 2004
In his third-floor office in the Capitol, Steny Hoyer is plunked down in a big red armchair, his left leg crossed over his right. He is wearing a dazzlingly white shirt and a red patterned tie. There are two pens in his breast pockets and visions of grandeur dancing in his head.
» Democrats Eye Fall ‘Contract’, June 02, 2004
Adopting a tactic their party bashed as a stunt in the watershed 1994 elections, House Democrats plan to unveil their election-year themes by rolling out a “Contract with America”-style legislative blueprint in September.
» Democrats Hope S.D. Win Is Fall Harbinger, June 02, 2004
Democrats celebrated Stephanie Herseth's capture of a Republican-held seat in South Dakota on Wednesday, their second takeaway of the year, and claimed it portends greater gains in the battle for control of Congress.
» Democrats Pick Up U.S. House Seat With Victory in South Dakota , June 02, 2004
Democrats won a Republican-held House of Representatives seat in a special election in South Dakota.
» Democrats See Momentum In South Dakota Election , June 01, 2004
A top House Democrat predicted his party will prevail in a special election Tuesday in South Dakota, which would hand Democrats the second victory this year in Republican-leaning states.
» Pelosi, Hoyer play to strengths, weaknesses , June 01, 2004
By recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the Pelosi-Hoyer combination, House Democrats believe they have developed an effective one-two punch.
» The circuit, May 30, 2004
U.S. Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D., Md.), the House Democratic whip, hit Montgomery County on Thursday to stump for the county's Democratic congressional candidates.
» Budget memo serves as Democratic ammo, May 28, 2004
Democrats were in a full-court press yesterday, criticizing President Bush for an administration document they say directs federal agencies to prepare preliminary 2006 budgets that cut spending for education, veterans benefits and other key programs after the 2004 election.
» Democrat Sees Parallels to '94 Elections, May 28, 2004
The second-ranking Democrat in the House sees parallels between now and 1994, when his party -- entrenched in power but shaken by dissension in the ranks and tied to a president in political trouble -- suffered a stunning defeat in the November elections.
» For House Democrats, a Whiff of Victory, May 28, 2004
House Democrats do not usually like to talk about 1994, the year of their exile into the minority. It has been a bad memory, best left undisturbed.
» 2006 Cuts In Domestic Spending On Table, May 27, 2004
The White House put government agencies on notice this month that if President Bush is reelected, his budget for 2006 may include spending cuts for virtually all agencies in charge of domestic programs, including education, homeland security and others that the president backed in this campaign year...
» House Race in S.D. Mirrors Larger Struggle, May 27, 2004
Stephanie Herseth and Larry Diedrich are local candidates in a campaign with national stakes, South Dakota rivals in a congressional race that pits the political parties in a struggle as intense as their own.
» Democrats Tout Generic Ballot, May 24, 2004
Congressional Democrats — bolstered by Americans’ worries about the war in Iraq — have opened their largest lead in so-called generic-ballot tests since the summer of 1998, giving party leaders more optimism than they could have imagined having just a few months ago.
» Democrats urge hearings in Abu Ghraib scandal , May 24, 2004
The top three House Democratic leaders sent a letter to House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., Monday requesting he call for committee hearings to investigate the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.
» Hoyer Predicts 'Dem Year'; Two Sides Dig Into S.D. Race, May 21, 2004
Drawing parallels to the months leading up to the GOP congressional sweep in 1994, House Minority Whip Hoyer said today the lackluster economy, the Iraq war and stalled legislative action create a political environment favorable to Democrats in 2004.
» Bush, Republicans Push for Senate Budget Backing, May 20, 2004
President Bush and Republican congressional leaders made a last ditch effort on Thursday to win support of Senate moderates in their own party for a budget they charge does not do enough to control record deficits.
» House Dems Chide GOP On Legislative Record, May 20, 2004
Top House Democrats, including House Minority Leader Pelosi and House Minority Whip Hoyer, today will highlight major bills Congress has failed to pass this session.
» Debt Deepens No Matter What Name You Use, May 18, 2004
For most of the past two decades, House members have been able to play a raise-the-debt-free card, enabling them to permit the government to go deeper into the red without conducting a politically painful stand-alone vote.
» Congressmen to AIPAC: We'll legislate Bush's promises, May 17, 2004
Leading Democratic and Republican Congressmen told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee annual conference Monday that they plan to work toward formalizing in American law the contents of the letter U.S. President George W. Bush gave Prime Minister Ariel Sharon last month.


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