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United States Senator          Serving the Citizens of Idaho

Larry Craig


Susan Irby (202)224-8078
Will Hart (208)342-7985

For Immediate Release:
January 23, 2004

My To-Do List for 2004

by Senator Larry Craig

Sometimes, if you want to get things done, you've just got to make a list and prioritize. As the second session of the 108th Congress gets underway, I have been taking some time to evaluate my legislative priorities for 2004. Because this is a presidential election year, it is very unclear just how much, and what, will make it through Congress. Nonetheless, I plan to continue to work hard to achieve as much as possible for Idaho.

When the first session adjourned last year, Congress had yet to finish all the appropriations bills. Just a few days ago, the Senate passed the Omnibus appropriations bill, and I am glad we can cross that task off our list and get started with next year's appropriations.

It is my hope that the next item of business will be the Energy Bill. Idahoans are tired of high gas prices at the pump and high heating bills, and all Americans are tired of our dependence on foreign sources of energy. This bill will get America back in the business of producing energy. Not only does it provide incentives for investment in traditional energy sources like coal, oil, gas, and hydropower, but it also contains funding for research and development of alternative sources like wind, solar, and hydrogen.

The Energy Bill will also benefit Idaho in a very tangible way. It contains provisions to design and build a Generation IV nuclear reactor at INEEL that will be capable of producing both electricity and hydrogen. If we are serious about developing alternative sources of energy and making such technologies as hydrogen-powered automobiles a reality, we need to pass a comprehensive energy policy as outlined in the bill.

I also will be working hard to pass legislation creating a third federal judgeship for Idaho, to relieve the overwhelming caseload on our current two judges. Idaho has not had a new federal district judge since 1954, and we are all aware of the population growth and the massive increase in federal cases since then. It is well past time, and I will be working to make sure that the legislation I introduced last year creating a new judgeship in Idaho completes its journey through Congress this year.

Speaking of courts and judges, Bill Myers of Boise has been nominated to fill a vacancy on the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and will receive a hearing in February before the Judiciary Committee, on which I serve. I'm confident Bill will bring a welcome breath of fresh air and common sense that has been lacking in the 9th Circuit. I don't expect Bill's confirmation to be easy, but I will be working with my colleagues on the Senate Judiciary Committee to make sure he receives fair consideration and an up-or-down vote for confirmation.

To keep liberal judges from legislating away our Second Amendment rights, I will push to make sure the Lawful Commerce in Arms Act is passed, which will protect law-abiding gun manufacturers and dealers from frivolous lawsuits. The anti-gun lobby has turned to lawsuits and trial lawyers to achieve what they cannot through the legislative process, and I am not comfortable with placing our Second Amendment rights within the interpretive grasp of activist judges. This bill will prevent that sort of overreaching.

Finally, I will work with my colleagues in the House to complete passage of the Noxious Weeds Control Act to help Idaho and many other states fight one of the most pressing environmental issues in the West. Noxious weeds threaten wildlife and livestock, and contribute to soil erosion and silting of our lakes, rivers, and streams. States, counties, and municipalities need a coordinated plan of attack to counteract this threat.

This is not a complete to-do list for the session, so don't be alarmed if I left out an issue important to you. I am always searching for more ways to help Idaho and encourage you to contact me with your ideas. I look forward to continuing to serve Idaho in the United States Senate in the months to come.
