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CONTACT: Press Office
Mikulski Announces Funding for Maryland Community, Housing Projects

Spending bill restores $100 million for HOPE VI program, $48 million for national lead paint reduction efforts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.), a member of the Senate Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Appropriations Subcommittee, today announced the full Appropriations Committee has passed the 2009 spending bill, which includes $900,000 for community development projects in Maryland. The Subcommittee worked to restore massive cuts proposed by President Bush, providing the Department of Housing and Urban Development with $42.37 billion, $3.9 billion more than the President’s request. The spending bill also includes critical funding to support shelters for homeless veterans, senior and low-income housing.

“We need to put government on the side of the people on Main Street, not Wall Street. I am proud to have worked to put money in the federal checkbook that builds and protects communities,” said Senator Mikulski. “Marylanders can count on me to continue standing up for the day-to-day needs of my constituents.”

Senator Mikulski fought to include $48 million to continue supporting HUD’s Lead Hazard Demonstration Program. This program allows state and local governments to apply for funding to help privately-owned rental properties eliminate lead paint hazards. The program is geared towards cities with high lead paint risks such as Baltimore, where residents are at higher risk because of the older housing stock. Senator Mikulski has been a long-time advocate for federal funding for lead-based paint hazard control intervention and prevention services.

“Children from poor families are disproportionately at risk for lead poisoning in major urban areas,” said Senator Mikulski. “This funding is an important step in protecting children from lead exposure and makes a real difference for Baltimore’s families.”

The bill also includes $900,000 for community development projects in Maryland:

$500,000 for the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad State Historic Site for the construction of a visitor center and recreational facilities in Cambridge.

$400,000 for Howard County’s Affordable Housing initiative, to construct and equip community resource rooms in county-owned housing.

The bill also restores funding for the HOPE VI housing program to $100 million, despite the President’s elimination of the program in his budget request for the sixth year. HOPE VI was created by Senator Mikulski in 1992 with the aim of replacing dilapidated public housing with mixed-income developments connected to schools, retail and community services. Since the program started, over $6 billion has been appropriated for HOPE VI and billions more have been leveraged from the private sector. Senator Mikulski and a bipartisan group of her congressional colleagues introduced a HOPE VI reauthorization bill last year, and are working towards its passage.

“We need to support federal programs that help those who help themselves. HOPE VI has always been about creating new opportunities for residents of public housing and new hope for the communities surrounding public housing,” said Senator Mikulski. “I will continue my fight to not only reauthorize this vital program, but to make sure the President does not succeed in cutting its federal funding.”

In the next step of the appropriations process, the bill will move to the Senate floor for a vote, which has not yet been scheduled.

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