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Thompson Responds To President’s Speech On The War On Terrorism

Thursday, February 09, 2006

House Committee on Homeland Security Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS) issued the following statement in response to President Bush’s speech on terrorism before the National Guard Association this morning.

“We cannot lose sight of what is precious in the war on terrorism – keeping Americans safe at home. On 9/11, terrorists struck us on our home turf. Today, Osama Bin Laden and others like him continue to threaten to strike our heartland again. I implore the President to forego an unbalanced view of national security and to stop neglecting security here at home.

The President’s budget proposal earlier this week exposed a mismatch between what we are doing abroad and what we are doing at home. There are too many gaps in homeland security and the budget does little to address them.

The most significant increase in the homeland security budget comes from $1.3 billion in taxes the President expects to collect from charging people a government fee every time they fly. Even with this added tax, the budget does not provide for enhanced screening of cargo on passenger planes. So, while those of us who fly have to go through security, the boxes in the belly of our planes will largely remain unchecked and unscreened.

The budget also eliminates funding for local and state law enforcement to detain criminal illegal aliens, which is a step back in our communities’ efforts to protect the border.

Most disturbingly, the budget forgets the men and women on the frontline of our war on terror at home – the firemen, police, EMTs, and other first responders who are the first and last lines of defense for our communities. The President’s budget shamefully cuts and, in some instances, eliminates critical funding to first responders and their local governments.

What type of message does it send to terrorists when the President eliminates the Metropolitan Medical Response System, a program that helps cities prepare and respond to mass casualties from a disaster? Or when the budget eliminates the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention program? What does it say to our firefighters when his budget cuts in half one program and completely eliminates another dedicated to helping them do their jobs? This week, I have heard from first responders and they are heartbroken that the President has forgotten them.

The war on terror – as we learned on 9/11 – begins here at home. The President should do the right thing and make sure that the men and women fighting on the frontlines have what they need to do the job.”

For more information contact:
(202) 226-2616

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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