U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator, California
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Ethics, Lobbying & Election Reform

The time has come for a change in the way Congress does business.  At the beginning of the 110th Congress, I assumed the Chairmanship of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee and made ethics reform and election reform my top two priorities. 

It is critical that Congress do everything in its power to restore confidence in the outcomes of federal elections.  We must help to ensure that every vote cast by an American citizen is recorded accurately and that every eligible voter can, in fact, cast a ballot.  

The gross misconduct and influence peddling that surfaced in such a serious way in the 109th Congress must be addressed.  It’s critical that we close the revolving door, toughen public disclosure of lobbyist activity, ban lobbyist gift and travel, and shut down “pay-to-play” schemes.


  • Ensuring that electronic voting machines print a paper record that can be verified by the voter and be subject to an independent audit.
  • Requiring all earmarks, including earmarks contained in classified parts of the defense and intelligence budgets, to be publicly disclosed.


  • Oversaw Senate passage of the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act, landmark ethics legislation approved by the Senate on January 18, 2006.

Press Releases*

July 2008

November 2007

August 2007

July 2007

May 2007

*Currently displaying the latest 10 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

Feinstein in the News*

April 2007

February 2007

November 2006

*Currently displaying the latest 5 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.


April 2007

*Currently displaying the latest 5 records. Select a month and year from the Browse by select box to view more records.

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