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As Nation Says 'Drill,' Nancy Says 'Stall'
Aug 21, 2008  - THIS summer, rather than taking a family vacation, many Americans had to take on a second or third job to offset rising energy costs. Meanwhile, Congress has done . . . nothing. For that, we can thank the Democratic leaders of the House of Representatives. Since the start of the 110th Congress, th... More

America's Energy Future
Aug 21, 2008  - It’s no secret that our nation is in the midst of an energy crisis. In just over one year, Americans have seen gas prices double. Families are suffering and many are struggling to pay their bills and make ends meet. Congress needs to do everything in its power to increase American-made energy produc... More

Put all options on the table
Aug 10, 2008  - Minnesotans deserve the facts about our energy resources and what can be done to bring down energy costs. In a crisis of this nature, America cannot afford to leave any energy alternative off the table — conservation, coal, oil, wind, solar, biofuels, geothermal or nuclear. That's why I support... More

The Democrats' Energy Charade
Jul 29, 2008  - Earlier this month the House of Representatives voted on an energy bill called the Drill Responsibly in Leased Lands (Drill) Act. The good news, for those of us who actually want to do something to lower gas prices, is that it failed. The bad news is that Democrats will try again before the Novembe... More

Mortgaging the Future
Jul 25, 2008  - On top of skyrocketing food and gas costs, our nation is also dealing with an increasingly large number of families struggling to pay their mortgages and an increasingly large number of homes in foreclosure. And just as Congress has failed to address prices at the pump with a commonsense plan, it ha... More

Drilling in ANWR will Cut Gas Costs
Jul 25, 2008  - America’s gas prices are continuing to spiral out of control and Washington has done nothing to give our nation’s motorists the relief they deserve. Record high prices are having a major impact on American consumers and businesses, from the way people travel to the way they do business to the food... More

Drill Here. Drill Now.
Jul 21, 2008  - This past weekend, I had the privilege of joining Republican Leader John Boehner and nine other members of the House on an “American Energy Tour.” This trip explored the available natural resources that our nation has in Colorado and Alaska to increase domestic energy supply and decrease America’s r... More

I gave up earmarks; why can’t other members of Congress?
Jul 7, 2008  - Congress has yet to make reducing federal spending a priority. With the recent release of an analysis of this year’s congressional earmarks in House appropriation bills, it can still be said that Washington loves to spend the taxpayers’ money. Even with increased claims by several members of Congre... More

Renewing our greatest national resource, the American Spirit
Jul 2, 2008  - July Fourth, 232 years ago, the fathers of this nation signed their names to one of history's greatest documents. These signatures were far more than symbolic: Each man whose name was inked on that parchment was committing an act of treason against the British Empire. When they said that "we mutua... More

For shale now
Jun 27, 2008  - In just one year, Americans have seen gas prices double. With food costs also soaring - in part due to rising gas prices - it has been difficult for many families to make ends meet. Combine that with estimates of $5 dollar-a-gallon gas this summer and it seems like times will get worse before they g... More

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