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Defense, National Security and Veterans

Congressman Hoyer’s top priority as a Member of Congress is advocating for policies that strengthen our national security, that protect our homeland from attack, and that keep the American people safe. He is a strong supporter of investing more in programs that adequately equip our first responders and increase protections at our ports and borders. He is a leader in Congress on national security issues and his commitment to our armed services and veterans is unwavering.

Furthermore, Rep. Hoyer has been a strong advocate for our veterans, and has worked tirelessly to ensure that America’s veterans receive the care and benefits they earned by their service. He also was one of the original sponsors of the legislation that created the Veterans History Project.

Last year, Congressman Hoyer was named one of the American Legion’s “Unsung Heroes” of the 108th Congress for his efforts to ensure that veterans’ health care is affordable and accessible, and his support for investment in the programs and services veterans deserve.

Congressman Hoyer has also worked to protect the military installations in Southern Maryland (see BRAC issues page.)

Related Documents

[thumbnail]Thursday, September 11, 2008
Remembering September 11

We know what words 9/11's victims left the world with. not words of vengeance or anger or even explanation, but invarleeable words of love -- invariablely words of love. we remember them today and we say in the words of the song of songs...

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Hoyer Statement on the Seventh Anniversary of 9/11

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement commemorating tomorrow's seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001:

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We have 92 press releases, 57 multimedia clips, 21 articles and 18 opeds on Defense, National Security and Veterans in our newsroom, for a total of 188 documents. Visit the newsroom to find out more on Steny's views on Defense, National Security and Veterans

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