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Monthly Commentary

Back to School

August 2008 Past Columns

Back to school time means back to basics for families across Southern California.  From a kindergartener’s first day to sending the kids off to college, there are concerns and challenges for families and students that come with a new school year.  I believe strongly in providing opportunity and support to students, parents, and teachers working to do what’s best for students of all ages.

Putting together a vibrant classroom that makes learning fun takes a lot of thought and work.  In many elementary, middle, and high schools, teachers often have to dip into their own pockets to bring extra teaching tools to the classroom.  That’s why I supported a tax benefit for teachers to help them defray the costs of classroom expenses like books, supplies, or computer equipment or software. 

Because a solid math and science education is crucial to a student’s long term success, I have also been a strong proponent of increasing funding for grants to schools for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education from kindergarten to college.  Providing a solid foundation in math and science isn’t just important to our kids, it’s critical to our nation’s long term competitiveness. 

I have always believed that students of all ages should be schooled in financial literacy, a particularly important topic in today’s economy.  Even the youngest of students can learn about savings and budgeting.  I have authored legislation to highlight the importance of financial literacy and foster a greater understanding of personal finance for all Americans through a public service campaign.  When students reach high school and college, these tools will serve them well as they strike out on their own financially. 

In this day and age, many families need support in helping their children achieve the dream of a college diploma.  I have consistently voted for responsible federal support of student loans.  Last year, I voted to increase funding for Pell Grants by $9 million over the next five years and to provide a backstop for student loan lending, which ensures that students will continue to have access to affordable student loans.  To help families navigate through the financial aid available, I am hosting a college fair on Tuesday, September 30th from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Duarte High School Library.  For more information, call my office at 909-575-6226. 

While education is primarily a local and state responsibility, the federal government can take steps that enhance opportunities for students and schools.  In order to give our children the tools they need to lead successful lives and have successful careers, we must work together to ensure those opportunities are available to all.