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July 2008

Monthly Archive

Energy Fact of the Day - Thursday, July 31

Of the 7.7 million households in the United States that use heating oil to heat their homes, 5.3 million households – or  roughly 69 percent – reside in the Northeast region of the country.

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 31 Jul 2008

American Energy Act Widget

Click “get widget” above to add this to your blog or website.

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 30 Jul 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Wednesday, July 30

Although more than 70 percent of the natural gas produced in the United States already comes from wells at 5,000 feet or deeper, only seven percent comes from formations below 15,000 feet.

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 30 Jul 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Tuesday, July 29

More than 90 percent of the power plants to be built in the next 20 years will likely be fueled by natural gas.

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 29 Jul 2008

Congressional Debate on Energy - LIVE from New Orleans

Live Blogging from House Republican Conference Communications Director Brian Schubert

12:06 PM - Think energy’s on the public’s mind? Lines out the door to get in has delayed our start by a few minutes.

12:10 PM - And away we go. After welcomes from Tulane, the Congressional Institute and the DLC, Rep. Denny Rehberg will give the GOP’s opening statement.

12:14 PM - With gas at 4-dollars-a-gallon, moderator Jeanne Cummings calls this debate a “well-timed conversation.”

12:26 PM - Rep. Rehberg calls Montana a “virtual warehouse,” home to both traditional and renewable energy sources. Which of these is the answer to our energy challenge? “All-of-the-above,” he says.

12:29 PM
- Rep. Rehberg is telling the audience about the American Energy Act. Visit GOP.gov/energy to learn more about what the American Energy Act will do to lower gas prices and break our dependence on foreign oil.

12:37 PM - Rep. Bachmann’s question for our Democratic colleagues: do they agree with T. Boone Pickens that, when it comes to American energy, we must “get it all”?

12:43 PM - Rep. Upton suggests why the public approval ratings of the Democratic Congress are so low: because it refuses to tackle the tough issues, like producing more American-made energy.

12:52 PM - Rep. Bachmann points out that the only ones standing in the way of increasing exploration in the deep water is the Democratic-controlled Congress, and our Democratic friends so far have not said whether they would vote to lift the congressional ban on deep water exploration.

1:07 PM - Once again the Democrats have an opportunity to support unlocking U.S. energy resources in the deep water. Will they take it?

1:10 PM - Great question on energy efficiency. That’s why the American Energy Act has meaningful incentives for hybrid vehicles and greater energy efficiency for homes and businesses. Democrats should hold a vote on our all of the above energy solutions before the August break.

1:19 PM - Still no answers on whether our Democratic friends support unlocking American energy resources in the deep water.

1:21 PM - Rep. Bachmann on energy: “we are in an emergency. American families are suffering.” Exactly why we must vote on the American Energy Act. And before August.

1:30 PM - Rep. Wamp closes for the Republicans, calling once again on our Democratic friends to demand their leaders hold a vote on the American Energy Act.

1:40 PM - Rep. Wamp closes with gusto and class, showing how we can disagree without being disagreeable. This debate showed the clear contrasts between the two parties. We can bridge that gap if Democrats in charge of the house allow a simple vote on the American Energy Act.

Signing off from New Orleans. Thanks for visiting.

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 28 Jul 2008

Good Morning from New Orleans

Greeting us on the front page of the Times-Picayune’s Metro section:

“U.S. Lawmakers Debate Energy Policy Today at Tulane.”

Read the story here.

Check back at Noon Eastern Time for streaming video and live blogging.

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 28 Jul 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Monday, July 28

Today, three of the four original Petroleum Reserves (NPR-1, NPR-2, and NPR-4) have been sold or transferred to the Department of the Interior.  The only remaining oil reserve managed by the Department of Energy is the Teapot Dome field (NPR-3) in Casper, Wyoming.

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 28 Jul 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Friday, July 25

In 2005, nearly 52 percent of all households (residential sector) used natural gas as their primary heating fuel, accounting for about 22 percent of total natural gas consumed in the United States.

Source: Energy Information Agency

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 25 Jul 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Thursday, July 24

In the event of an energy emergency, Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) oil would be distributed by competitive sale.  The SPR has been used under these circumstances only twice (during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.)

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 24 Jul 2008

Energy Fact of the Day - Tuesday, July 22

Of the contiguous 48 states, 28 have a coastal boundary. U.S. electric use data show that these same states use 78% of the nation’s electricity.

Source: Department of Energy

Tagged as: Energy
Posted 22 Jul 2008

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