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May 2008

Monthly Archive

Memorial Day

In the House GOP Weekly Radio Address, Texas Congressman Sam Johnson reminds us of the true meaning of Memorial Day.

This Memorial Day we honor those who have fought – and at times, paid the ultimate price – for freedom. We also pause to recognize those presently wearing the uniform. Our troops’ courage, dedication and sacrifice make every American proud.

Every minute of every day, American soldiers, sailors, Marines and Coast Guardsmen of the United States military voluntarily risk their lives so that you and I can live in freedom. We not only owe these American heroes a debt we can never repay, we owe them our active appreciation and support.

As he says, if you’re looking for a way to honor American’s fallen and support our troops overseas, visit the Defense Department site “America Supports You.”

Tagged as: General
Posted 23 May 2008

Rep. Pitts Calls Speaker Pelosi, Democrat Majority to the Carpet for Broken Promises to Lower Gas Prices

As national gas prices and the Pelosi Premium continue to shatter record highs, Pennsylvania Congressman Joe Pitts, a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, took to the House floor to Wednesday to address this rising concern, offer solutions to curb prices, and ultimately hold the Democrat Majority accountable for the their broken promises to the American people:

“On April 24, 2006, while campaigning to become Speaker of the House, the Democrat leader said, ‘Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices.’

“On the day the Democrats took control of Congress in January of 2007, gas in my home State of Pennsylvania was averaging $2.37 a gallon. Today, it’s averaging over $3.75 a gallon.

“Many people have taken to calling this $1.38 increase the ‘Pelosi premium.’ This Congress has yet to do anything substantive to help American families who are paying nearly $4 a gallon at the pump.

“The Democrats in Congress have been voting against increasing domestic oil and natural gas production as well as domestic refining capacity for years. This is a matter of supply and demand. We have billions of barrels of oil in Alaska and in the deep waters off the Outer Continental Shelf right here in the United States. Yet, due mostly to the Democratic opposition, we have been unable to access these vast resources. We should take steps now to increase production.”

Click here to view Mr. Pitts’ floor speech.

Tagged as: Economy, Energy
Posted 16 May 2008